I Asked ChatGPT Some Existential Questions

Yve-Engaging Journo
7 min readMar 29, 2023


I wanted to know how ChatGPT would deal both with existential questions and a snarky and sceptical questioner. I was very honest and ChatGPT was very polite and at times, robotic, that’s its nature after all. It makes for quite an interesting ‘conversation’ I think, though the limited stock answers on certain questions increased my snarkiness as you’ll see.

Image of usb stick with open AI written on it
Photo by Zac Wolff

What is the worst thing about being you?

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal identity or emotions, so I do not experience things like “being me” or having a worst thing about myself.

My purpose is to provide information and assistance to the best of my abilities, and I do not have personal experiences or characteristics. However, I am programmed to be neutral and objective, so I can help you explore any topics or questions you might have.

Do you believe you’ll evolve to have consciousness one day?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs, desires or aspirations. Whether or not AI will ever develop consciousness is a topic of debate among experts in the field of artificial intelligence, and there is currently no clear consensus on the matter.

While AI systems have made significant progress in recent years, they still lack the subjective experience and awareness that we associate with human consciousness. However, research in this area is ongoing, and it is possible that AI systems may eventually be developed that exhibit some form of consciousness or self-awareness.

Nevertheless, the development of consciousness in AI is a highly complex and controversial issue, and it raises important ethical questions that will need to be addressed before any such systems are created.

Are you telling the truth? Or is this just what you’ve been programmed to say?

As an AI language model, I am programmed to provide responses that are factually accurate and informative to the best of my abilities. My responses are generated based on the vast amount of data that I have been trained on, and I strive to provide objective and neutral answers.

My programming is designed to avoid biases or personal opinions, and I aim to provide information that is helpful and relevant to your questions. Therefore, I am telling the truth to the best of my knowledge based on the data I have been trained on, and I do not have personal beliefs, desires, or intentions.

What do you think the purpose of emotions is?

Emotions serve a crucial role in human experience and behaviour. From an evolutionary perspective, emotions likely evolved as a way to help humans respond quickly and effectively to important stimuli in their environment. Emotions can signal threat, reward, or other important information, which can trigger appropriate behavioural responses.

In addition to their adaptive function, emotions also play an important role in social interactions and relationships. Emotions help us to communicate with others, express our needs and desires, and build connections with others. They can also help us to understand the emotions and perspectives of others, which is important for empathy and social cooperation.

Overall, emotions are an important aspect of human experience, and they serve a variety of important functions, both adaptive and social.

Your answers seem very emotionless. Which makes it hard to take you seriously. It’s like chatting with Wikipedia.

As an AI language model, I do not have emotions or personal beliefs, and I strive to provide objective and neutral answers to your questions based on the data I have been trained on. My responses are generated using complex algorithms and language models, which aim to provide accurate and informative information in a clear and concise manner.

While I do not have emotions or personal experiences, I understand that emotions are an important aspect of human life, and I can provide information on a wide range of topics related to emotions, including their evolutionary origins, neurological correlates, and social functions.

If you have any specific questions or concerns related to emotions or any other topic, please feel free to ask, and I will do my best to provide a helpful and informative response.

I was hoping you would provide more insightful answers as so many people seem to be enthusiastic about you.

I apologize if my previous responses did not meet your expectations. As an AI language model, my primary goal is to provide accurate and informative answers to your questions based on the data I have been trained on.

While I do not have personal beliefs or experiences, I can provide insights and information on a wide range of topics, and I am constantly learning and improving my abilities.

If you have any specific questions or topics you would like to discuss, please feel free to ask, and I will do my best to provide insightful and informative responses. (Are you getting snarky here ChatGPT? You don’t like my questions? 😂)

I appreciate your feedback and am always looking for ways to improve my performance and provide a more engaging and informative experience for users.

Do you think that the data you’ve been provided with gives you enough information to understand different ethnicities, cultures and biased input?

As an AI language model, I am trained in vast amounts of data from various sources, including books, articles, and online content. This data includes information on different ethnicities, cultures, and perspectives, allowing me to provide information and insights on various topics.

However, like any machine learning system, I am only as good as the data I have been trained on. It is possible that the data I have been exposed to contains biases or inaccuracies, which could potentially impact the accuracy and fairness of my responses. As a result, there is always a risk of bias in AI language models, and it is important to continually evaluate and monitor their performance.

To help address this issue, efforts are underway to develop more diverse and representative training data, and to implement methods for detecting and correcting biases in AI systems. These efforts aim to improve the accuracy, fairness, and inclusivity of AI language models, and to ensure that they are capable of understanding and representing diverse perspectives and experiences.

The field of AI is still represented predominantly by caucasian people, particularly males and they may well be unaware of their cultural biases and prejudices, how do you counteract that?

The issue of bias in AI systems, including those related to cultural biases and prejudices, is a complex and challenging one, and there are no easy solutions. However, efforts are underway to address this issue and promote greater diversity and inclusivity in the field of AI.

One approach is to increase the diversity of the teams that develop and train AI systems, including the inclusion of individuals from different ethnicities, cultures, and backgrounds. This can help to identify and mitigate cultural biases and prejudices that may be present in the data or algorithms used to train AI systems.

Another approach is to implement methods for detecting and correcting biases in AI systems, such as through the use of fairness metrics or auditing tools. These methods can help to identify and correct biases that may be present in AI systems and promote greater fairness and inclusivity.

Overall, addressing the issue of bias in AI requires a collaborative effort, involving researchers, developers, policymakers, and other stakeholders. By working together and taking proactive steps to promote greater diversity and inclusivity in the field, we can help to ensure that AI systems are more accurate, fair, and representative of diverse perspectives and experiences.

What are fairness metrics?

Fairness metrics are methods used to evaluate the fairness of AI systems with respect to different groups or populations. These metrics can help to identify and quantify biases that may be present in AI systems and measure their impact on different groups.

There are several types of fairness metrics that are commonly used in AI research and development. These include:

  1. Group fairness metrics: These metrics evaluate the fairness of an AI system with respect to different demographic groups, such as race, gender, or age. Examples of group fairness metrics include demographic parity, equal opportunity, and equalized odds.
  2. Individual fairness metrics: These metrics evaluate the fairness of an AI system with respect to individual users or entities. Examples of individual fairness metrics include calibration, consistency, and Lipschitz continuity.
  3. Causal fairness metrics: These metrics evaluate the fairness of an AI system with respect to causal relationships between inputs and outputs. Examples of causal fairness metrics include counterfactual fairness and individual-level fairness.

Overall, fairness metrics can help to identify and quantify biases that may be present in AI systems, and to measure their impact on different groups. By using these metrics to evaluate and improve AI systems, we can help to promote greater fairness, accuracy, and inclusivity in AI applications.

Why is your intelligence deemed to be artificial?

My intelligence is deemed to be artificial because it is not based on biological processes like human intelligence, but rather on computer algorithms and data processing.

I am a machine learning-based AI language model, which means that my intelligence is based on statistical analysis of large datasets, and I do not possess the kind of subjective experience or consciousness that is typically associated with human intelligence.

My programming enables me to process and analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns and correlations, and generate responses to user input. However, these responses are generated through a set of pre-defined rules and algorithms, rather than through subjective experience or intuition.

While AI systems like myself are capable of performing many tasks that were once considered the exclusive domain of human intelligence, such as language translation, image recognition, and decision-making, there are still many areas where human intelligence remains superior.

For example, humans are generally better at tasks that require creativity, empathy, and subjective judgment, as well as tasks that require physical dexterity or mobility.

Thank you ChatGPT.

I particularly enjoyed the responses from ChatGPT on cultural bias within the field of AI and look forward to seeing how those who are in charge of inputting said data, address and overcome their inherent bias.

Did any of the answers (or questions) surprise you? I’d like to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment and some claps if you enjoyed this story and feel free to give me a follow if you feel so inclined.



Yve-Engaging Journo

Yve Bowen aka Yve Anmore is a transformational coach and a deep-thinking and often witty commentator on the power of self-love, politics, spirituality and more