Not My Home…

Yve-Engaging Journo
3 min readSep 25, 2023


Photo by Louis Maniquet

Have you ever felt as if you don’t belong? I don’t mean don’t belong to a family, community or country, I mean belong here, on Earth? I have.

I expressed the same sentiments I share in this article in musical form with this track.

Taking time away from the outer world and focusing on the inner world as I have done, has both benefits and costs.

The benefit is that you start connecting with something timeless, beautiful and sacred within. The cost is that you can no longer relate to the outer world in the same way. How that non-relating experience expresses for each person is uniquely their own.

It showed up for me as a growing inability to relate to the minutiae of daily life. Everything became about the bigger picture, the overview, the overarching truth of life. I couldn’t yet see that life was fractal and holographic.

The minutiae contained the whole and the whole embraced the minutiae.

I was still floundering, trying to understand.

So much so, that I often turned away from the things that connected us, and made us human. Yet in doing so, paradoxically, I had cause to look at the things that made me human.

In that looking, seeing and discovering the depth of my humanness, I was led deeper into what went beyond humanness, labels and identity.

The minutiae contained the whole and the whole embraced the minutiae.

I would look at the insanity of war and systemic oppression and wonder how Life could engage in such horrific spectacles. Yet that thought would lead me deeper into the fear, insecurity, and paranoia in the hearts of those who willingly committed these acts

What fear was driving their justification of those acts?

What inner disconnection allowed them to stop perceiving their humanity?

What aspect of their identity felt completely threatened unless they were in total control?

This is when life on Earth began to seem completely mad to me.

It was madness to accept the unequal distribution of wealth around the globe as just how things were.

It was insane to have a hard and fast societal model of school, job, mortgage, marriage, children, retirement, and then death.

It was crazy to hate others just because they looked or acted differently from you - to the point where you could justify, killing torturing, maiming or enslaving them.

I couldn’t fathom how everyone wasn’t walking around with their mouths permanently opened in incredulity. Like, ‘are you seeing this too?’

Yet through the bigger picture, I also saw the beauty in humanity where I would be in wonder at the soft kindness and beauty displayed by those who were heart-full and connected. The people who were a gift to humanity just by being themselves.

And it was through these folks that I saw there was a delicate balancing act at play.

This is not to justify the madness in the world, but more to acknowledge that though this madness may make the loudest noise and get the most attention, it doesn’t necessarily have the deepest impact.

Those who go out of their way to stand up for the oppressed, or raise money for those in dire straits. Those who give from the heart, and care about the whole rather than their own little piece of the world. They too, have real impact — because they remind us of who we really are.

Then there are the politicians who aren’t yet corrupted. The wealthy who challenge an unequal monetary system. The outsiders who give us the perfect overview. The neurodiverse who cause us to see things differently. The dreamers who believe anything is possible. The deep ones who refuse to play in the shallows.

These types may not always be as celebrated, noticed, affirmed and honoured as they should be, but their impact is felt just the same.

I know this because they cause me to remember that though the world may not feel like my home, I can sense the home it has the potential to be.

Yve is a transformational coach at You Deserve A Life You Love. Book your FREE discovery session to see how Yve can support you to achieve your most heartfelt goals.



Yve-Engaging Journo

Yve Bowen aka Yve Anmore is a transformational coach and a deep-thinking and often witty commentator on the power of self-love, politics, spirituality and more