Top 10 Android Development Trends for 2022
Nov 17, 2021


Top Android app development trends

Top Android app development trends to watch out for in 2021 Android apps continue to undergo unrelenting changes, primarily dominated by the user experience and the constant innovation that Google brings. As an entrepreneur, you must leverage these trends to stay ahead of the competition.

  1. Android apps with instant launch
  2. Component of navigation.
  3. Blockchain technology
  4. Google Assistant / Chatbot
  5. Multiplatform development with Flutter
  6. Internet of Things
  7. APM and EMM
  8. Movement layout
  9. Beacon technology
  10. Android Enterprise

Read more about android app trends in 2022

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iOS Native Development, iOS Native Test Automation (XCUITest), Android Native Development, Android Native Test Automation (Espresso), ReactJS, NodeJS, CI/CD