Light-board for Architectural Drawings

Engin Yöyen
6 min readSep 24, 2021
DIY Light-board mounted on wall

Working from home has become the de-facto way of working and there is no escape from it, although embracing that has been a bit hard. Now that I am behind the denial phase, I thought I do some improvements so working at home becomes more fun.

As an engineer, I do a lot of drawings, which is an essential part of sharing an idea with other engineers. Exchanging technical concepts by visualizing ideas is indispensable. Modern video conferencing solutions provide a virtual whiteboard, but it is still very limited, focus becomes the screen and the presenter becomes passive and can not utilize its body language as part of it sharing ideas.

Emily Nix, professor teaching microeconomics, want it to keep her students engaged during online learning. She has built herself a light-board in her dad’s garage. Check the video, it is very impressive. I was very inspired by her, so finally, I gave it a try.

The Design and Requirements

There are naturally a lot of DIY light-board videos are there, but most of them were bulky, required a lot of space. My requirements were;

  • Compact: I have very very limited space(the term space is exaggerated, it is a closet), so it can’t consume any additional space.
  • Ready to use: A solution where, I do not need to move…



Engin Yöyen

Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft. Coder, Rider and a humble cook. Opinions are my own.