Use of Colons and Semicolons Rules

Education Help
3 min readApr 1, 2016

Colon: Colon is a punctuation mark and it is used when it needs to refer ‘what I mean’ or ‘that is to say’ in a sentence. However, some rules are there to use colon appropriately in a sentence.

  • Colon is used in a sentence before adding a series of items. After using a colon, the capital letter is not used unless it is a proper noun.

Example: For a fish preparation, I want some items: fish, mustard oil, mustard paste, green chilies, salt, and kalangi.

  • Colon is not used in a sentence when a list is directly followed a preposition or a verb.

Example: I want: fish, mustard paste, oil, etc.
I want fish, mustard paste, oil, etc. (recommended)

• While making a list one by one or each point in a line, the colon is used in the first line. In the list, capitalization is not mandatory for each point when it is mentioned by following bullets, numbers or letters.

Example: I want to prepare fist curry and please bring the following:

a. fish
b. mustard oil
c. mustard paste

• A colon is preferred to be used instead of a semicolon between two independent clauses when the second part explains or illustrates something related to the first sentence.

Example: Remember the proverb: the pen is mightier than the sword

  • The first letter of a complete sentence quotation should be capital after colon.

Example: The host made an announcement: “you all can participate in the game.”

  • The first letter should be a capital letter if two or more sentences are written after a colon.

Example: My dad told us some instructions: Be honest. Work hard.

• In a formal letter or a business letter, a colon can be used instead of a comma after the salutation. It is better to use a colon when someone is addressed by his/her first name.

Example: Dear James,


Semicolon is a punctuation mark that connects two similar ideas or thoughts. Here, each idea can be written as a sentence, but it will interrupt the flow of the writing. Hence, a semicolon is used to keep a pleasing continuity in the writing.

• Semicolon can be used between two independent clauses which are not joined with a coordinating conjunction. Sometimes, semicolon is more appropriate as it adds an emphatic separation. It makes a balance between two contrasted ideas.

Example: Try this one; green can be your lucky color.

• Use semicolon in the independent clauses which have internal punctuation and complex in nature.

Example: I have invited Nidhi, Tapaja and Puja to my party; Bidhan and John will also join.

  • Semicolon can be used between two elements which are coordinated.

Example: I called my old friends including Puja, old school friend; Divya, a college friend; Madhav, colleague cum friend of my last company and others.

  • Use semicolon to avoid confusion when commas are also used in the same sentence.

Example: This tour includes a magic show by P.C Sarkar, Kolkata; a two days trip to the sea beach, Digha; a two days trip in a boat, Sundarban.

  • Semicolon is used before a transitional connective (adverb) that are used between two main clauses.

Example: Sample papers are designed based on the syllabus; therefore, these documents are favorable for the students.

