What are the Steps for Writing Process?

Education Help
2 min readAug 22, 2016


Writing process is a constructive way that allows a writer to exhibit his views, opinions as well as creativity to the readers. In brief, this process allows an author to express his point of view in a clear and cogent manner. It is proved that there is no substitute of a good writing skill and to sharpen this skill, one must take suitable steps. There are several types of writing, including article, short story, report, letter writing and others and each writing demands specific format. However, the general way of writing something is referred as writing process and it needs a step-by-step method.

Writing content about something is a type of communication, where the author wants to share some messages or make the readers informed about some issues which are important. However, writing process includes some essential steps such as prewriting, writing, revision, editing and at the end, publishing. Each writer has his own style and they combine their style with this familiar method and try to make their literary work absorbing as well as appreciable.

Steps of Writing Process:

There are some proven steps of writing that assist the writers to convey their ideas, thoughts as well as opinions to the readers. Therefore, readers can get a chance to know something new in an interesting manner.

Writing Process

Writing Process:

Prewriting: Prewriting is the first stage of the writing process, when a writer develops his idea and accumulates all information. At this stage, a writer must make a constructive outline for his writing and arrange the points suitably. In brief, a detail research on the chosen topic is required as prewriting is the building block of any write up.

Rough Drafting: After collecting the information, the arrangement is the second most important task in the writing process. All points should be arranged in a sequence during the time of the rough drafting.

Drafting: Drafting is the time to summarize the ideas on the paper without giving focus on the grammar. In brief, at this stage, a writer gets time to squeeze his thoughts and make a structure of his write up.

Editing: Editing is the very next step that a writer must do with full concentration. Editing is an essential part, where grammatical rules are checked thoroughly. In addition to this, a writer can give his piece of work to others for editing.

  • Revising: Revising is the way to recheck the entire content, whether the thoughts are explained properly or not.

Final Drafting: Final drafting is the stage just before the publishing and here, writers can take others’ opinions. They can check the entire structure and the points they have covered.

Publishing: Publishing is the last stage and here, the written documents or essays are handed over to the concerned person for publishing.

