What is a Pun in Literature? Give Examples

Education Help
2 min readAug 8, 2016


Pun is referred as a play on words where a humorous effect is available, along with more than one meaning. Sometimes, pun is applied in the text by using words that have a similar sound, but different meanings. In brief, pun creates a humorous touch and the effect depends on the ambiguities mostly seen in the homonyms and homophones. However, it is also known as paronomasia.

The objective of using pun in the literature is to reach to the readers clearly. It makes the text humorous and witty and also adds a deeper meaning. It is a way to play with the words and thus, a writer can present his cleverness and also describes each character precisely. Besides, pun allows a writer to add a comic relief and most importantly, it exhibits a writer’s creativity.

Visual Pun

Some common examples of Pun:

Horse is a very stable animal.
Geometry is so pointless.
An elephant’s opinion carries a lot of weight.
Many writers use pun to make their literary works interesting as well as engaging.

Pun at a glance:
• Pun adds comic effect in the text.
• It makes the readers think in a deeper way
• It adds more clarity to the text and hence, the readers can discern the meaning.
• It includes a vagueness in the literary work.

Some Examples from the Literature:

William Shakespeare had used pun in a masterly manner. Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Richard III are nice examples, where the pun is applied noticeably.
Romeo: “Not I, believe me. You have dancing shoes with nimble soles; I have a soul of lead” — From Romeo and Juliet.
“It is the unkindest tied that ever any man tied.”- from Richard III.
Additionally, Oscar Wilde, an Irish playwright, poet and novelist used pun in a distinct manner. “Importance of being Earnest” is a nice play, where pun is used for several times.
“I always told you, Gwendolen, my name was Ernest, didn’t I? Well, it is Ernest after all. I mean it naturally is Ernest.” — from “Importance of being Earnest”-Act-III
“Lolita” is a noticeable novel written by Vladimir Nabokov and here, pun is used smartly. Here, Lolita changed her name to Dolores and this word carries two meanings. In Latin, it means pain and in English, ‘ Dolly’ refers to a doll and in the novel, her nickname is Dolly.
“Great Expectations” is another important novel written by Charles Dickens and here, pun is used interestingly.
“They seemed to think the opportunity lost, if they failed to point the conversation to me, every now and then, and stick the point into me”
Here, ‘point’ word is used differently.

