50+ Different Ways to Say “Sorry” in English

English Learning 101
1 min readSep 17, 2023

Different ways to say sorry! Explore a comprehensive list of diverse expressions for ‘Sorry’ in English, perfect for enhancing your language fluency. Find creative and heartfelt ways to apologize to someone you’ve hurt, whether it’s your friend, family member, or colleague, without even saying the word ‘sorry.’ Elevate your communication skills and mend relationships with these powerful alternatives!

50+ Different ways to say sorry

Different Ways to Say Sorry:

  1. I apologize.
  2. My apologies.
  3. I’m so sorry.
  4. I regret that.
  5. Please forgive me.
  6. Pardon me.
  7. Excuse my behavior.
  8. I owe you an apology.
  9. It’s entirely my fault.
  10. I’m deeply sorry.
  11. I feel terrible about this.
  12. I’m sincerely apologetic.
  13. Mea culpa.
  14. I take full responsibility.
  15. I’m at fault here.
  16. I want to make amends.
  17. My bad.
  18. I’m in the wrong.
  19. I’m ashamed of my actions.
  20. Please accept my regrets.
  21. I hope you can forgive me.
  22. I’m truly remorseful.
  23. It was thoughtless of me.
  24. I didn’t mean to hurt you.
  25. I’m filled with remorse.

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