How To Deal With A Heavy Workload

Thea English
2 min readDec 17, 2021

Whether you work from home or at the office, there will be times when your workload will be heavier than normal. It becomes challenging to stay on top of things and when you have responsibilities to your family, the stress increases. Here are some ways to deal with a heavy workload.

Focus On Your Most Urgent Tasks

Not all tasks are created equal, and one of the best ways to handle a heavy workload is to focus on your most urgent tasks. If certain reports all need to be completed by the end of the week, then you won’t need to work on the reports that will be due by the following month.

Set Timers And Block Out A Certain Number Of Hours

For the tasks that are boring and mundane, it’s a good idea to block out a certain number of hours for these tasks. Then you would set a timer on your phone for those hours and keep working until the timer goes off. The goal is to establish an undistracted time for work.

Take Breaks As Needed

When you feel overwhelmed by your tasks, take breaks when you need to. Go for a walk, read a good book, call some friends, or prepare a delicious lunch. When you take breaks during the day, you’re more refreshed and you’ll feel better when it’s time to work.



Thea English

I'm a freelance writer who strives to assist readers in being intentional with their finances and time. I believe that this gives you options for a richer life