The Most Extreme English Learning Experiment: I Spent 24 Hours on Cambly

English with Divyesh
2 min readFeb 28, 2023


Learning English can be tough, especially if you’re not a native speaker. But what if you could spend 24 hours focusing on improving your English skills?

24 Hours on Cambly learning english

That’s exactly what I did, and the experience was both challenging and hilarious.

As I embarked on this crazy experiment, I had high hopes for what I would achieve. I imagined myself becoming a fluent English speaker, able to hold complex conversations easily.

But reality set in quickly as I logged onto Cambly, an online platform that connects learners with native English speakers for conversation practice.

Hour 1: I was feeling pretty confident at the beginning, chatting with my first tutor about my background and interests. But as the conversation drifted towards more complex topics, I struggled to keep up.

I took a break and walked around the room to clear my head. Was it already time for a break? Hell No…

Hour 5: I was starting to feel the effects of fatigue, but I pushed on. I tried to mix things up with new conversation topics, but the words just wouldn’t come. However, my tutor was a good sport and kept the conversation going with some funny anecdotes about her life.

Hour 12: I was officially delirious. I kept forgetting basic English words, and my sentences were turning into jumbled messes. But my tutor was a champ, playing along with my increasingly absurd statements and making me laugh.

Hour 20: I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My conversations were still imperfect, but I could tell I was making progress. My last tutor of the day was a true gem, patiently correcting my mistakes and cheering me on.

Hour 24: It was finally over! I logged off of Cambly feeling exhausted but also proud of myself for completing the challenge. Reflecting on the experience, I realized that I had learned more than just English. I learned about resilience, perseverance, and the power of a good sense of humor.

In the end, I didn’t become a fluent English speaker in 24 hours. But I did gain a newfound appreciation for the English language and the incredible people who speak it. And who knows? Maybe I’ll try another crazy language-learning experiment someday. But for now, I think I’ll take a nap.



English with Divyesh

Hey, I am Divyesh. An english learner sharing my journey with all of you.