Blog Post: Understanding Access Management in .NET Core

Muhammad Abdullah
3 min readAug 25, 2023


In the world of application development, ensuring security and managing user access are paramount. .NET Core offers a plethora of access management systems to aid developers in this task. This post aims to give you a comprehensive overview of these systems and how they can be effectively employed.

1. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

What is it?
RBAC is built around the idea of defining roles, assigning users to these roles, and then designating permissions to these roles. When a user is given a role, they inherit the permissions associated with that role.

When to use it?
It’s perfect for scenarios where users can be easily categorized into roles that have shared permissions.

Real-world analogy:
Think of an online school platform. There are `Students`, `Teachers`, and `Admins`. While all roles can view courses, only `Admins` might have permission to create or delete courses.

2. Claims-Based Access Control

What is it?
Moving away from roles, this system revolves around claims. A claim is a piece of information about a user, like their username or email. Trusted parties issue these claims, which are then packaged into tokens.

When to use it?
It’s the go-to when integrating with identity solutions like IdentityServer or external identity providers like OAuth2 and OpenID Connect.

Real-world analogy:
On logging in, a user is handed a token, much like a VIP pass at an event. This pass has details like their name and role, granting them access to specific areas or actions.

3. Policy-Based Authorization

What is it?
This is a more intricate system, extending the basic role and claims mechanisms to accommodate complex rules. It works with policies made up of requirements and handlers.

When to use it?
Ideal for situations where the authorization logic isn’t straightforward.

Real-world analogy:
Imagine a club that allows entry not just based on age (a claim) but also on membership duration. “You can enter only if you’re above 18 and have been a member for over a year.”

4. Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)

What is it?
ABAC evaluates rules against various attributes, whether they be linked to the user, the action, the resource, or the context in which access is sought.

When to use it?
It shines in situations where access decisions are influenced by dynamic factors.

Real-world analogy:
A high-security lab where access is granted based on the scientist’s department, the research they intend to conduct, and the time of day.

5. IdentityServer

What is it?
An open-source Identity Provider tailor-made for ASP.NET Core, supporting protocols like OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0.

When to use it?
Especially beneficial in microservices architectures or when you need to centralize user access management.

6. Windows Authentication

What is it?
Leverages the existing Windows identity of a user. No additional credentials are required.

When to use it?
Perfect for intranet applications in corporate settings where users have a Windows account.

7. JWT (JSON Web Tokens)

What is it?
A compact token format to represent user claims between two entities.

When to use it?
Frequently used in modern web apps and mobile applications to maintain user sessions and facilitate communication between client and server.

8. API Keys

What is it?
Unique codes are passed by programs when calling an API.

When to use it?
Primarily used for server-to-server interactions or when tracking and limiting API usage is necessary.


.NET Core’s vast arsenal of access management tools allows for immense flexibility and security in application development. Whether you’re looking to manage user permissions based on roles, claims, policies, or attributes, .NET Core has got you covered. Remember, the best system is often a combination tailored to fit the unique needs of your application. Choose wisely, and happy coding!



Muhammad Abdullah

Full Stack Developer .NET Core| JavaScript | Unity | Blockchain dApps | MongoDb | Express | Node | Angular | React | Flutter