People who walk fast tend to be less happy, study says

2 min readFeb 4, 2020


This has been going around my social media feed for the past week and I must say it caught my attention. As someone who belongs to this group, these are points that really hit the bull’s eye.

POINT 1: Fast walkers are goal-oriented and are more introverted.

My say: That is an absolute fact, as I have been someone who goes above and beyond to reach my goals. I, at some point, consider myself as an introvert mainly because people can’t keep up with my pace therefore I usually work alone.

POINT 2: They easily go unhappy when things don’t go their way.

My say: This can be a fact if I was still in high school but I found a way how to navigate myself towards failure or rejection. I think this is more of a personal take on the situation.

POINT 3: The psychology behind this that people who walk fast are perfectionists.

My say: This is another fact for me but in selected situations. If it’s a project, I lean on the perfectionist side but if it’s a task that’s more pressing and needs urgent attention, I settle for done than perfect.

POINT 4: these people also find it harder to maintain and develop relationships.

My say: Maybe? I don’t consider this as a reason for maintaining relationships as I was able to keep a circle of friends from grade school to college. I’m also the type that pushes my self to jive with people.

POINT 5: The positive side to this is that fast walkers are actually courageous and confident, plus they possess the energy that is hard to match up to.

My say: I sometimes feel over-confident at times especially when I really think that I can do better than anyone in the room. But I can live up the expectation. I also exhibit a lot of courage especially when it comes to travelling without maps.

VERDICT: I am blowned by the fact that my paced in walking was related to my personality as a person. I am a firm believer of zodiac signs and I thought that it was just a Scorpio thing and I have read articles saying that walking fast is good for our health, turns out it was something more.

You can check the original article by Jo-Est Tan here:

