Decoding Carbon Buzzwords: Understanding Key Terms Used by Sustainability Professionals

Umar Farooq
6 min readJul 24, 2023


As the urgency of addressing environmental challenges intensifies, sustainability professionals play a pivotal role in shaping a greener future. However, navigating the language used in the field can be daunting, leaving many aspiring young climate professionals perplexed by the jargon. In this blog, we aim to shed light on the actual meaning of different terms commonly used by sustainability professionals during communication. This knowledge is not only beneficial for experienced professionals working in the industries but also valuable for young climate enthusiasts embarking on their careers in sustainability. This is equally important for those professionals working in sustainability departments but has less interaction with direct GHG reduction projects. Let’s unravel the complexity and gain a clear understanding of these key sustainability buzzwords.

Climate Neutrality and Carbon Neutrality

Climate Neutrality: Climate Neutrality refers to achieving a balance between the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated and the equivalent GHG emissions removed or offset from the atmosphere. It encompasses all types of greenhouse gases, not just carbon dioxide (CO2).

Carbon Neutrality: Carbon Neutrality is a subset of Climate Neutrality, specifically focusing on achieving a balance between the total CO2 emissions produced and the equivalent CO2 emissions sequestered or offset.

Example: A company that emits 100 tons of CO2 and simultaneously invests in reforestation projects that absorb 100 tons of CO2 achieves Carbon Neutrality, as it balances its CO2 emissions.

Scenario to use the above terms:

Climate Neutrality term can be used when discussing an entity’s overall impact on the climate system. It is suitable for when communicating comprehensive climate impact assessments.

Carbon Neutrality Employ when specifically focusing on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and reduction strategies.

Net Zero and Climate Positive

Net Zero: Net Zero denotes achieving a state where an entity’s overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are fully balanced or offset by carbon removal or offset initiatives. It involves reducing emissions as much as possible and compensating for any remaining emissions through activities like reforestation.

Climate Positive: Climate Positive goes beyond Net Zero. It implies actively removing more GHG emissions from the atmosphere than an entity emits, making a net positive contribution to combat climate change.

Example: A city that reduces its emissions to zero through renewable energy sources and sustainable practices would be considered Net Zero. If the city further invests in afforestation projects that remove additional CO2 from the atmosphere, it becomes Climate Positive.

Scenario to use the above terms:

Net Zero: Use to share the goal of achieving a balance between an entity’s overall GHG emissions and carbon removal through offset initiatives.

Climate Positive: Use this term when the aim is to convey a commitment to go beyond Net Zero and make a net positive contribution to combat climate change.

Carbon Negative and Net Negative

Carbon Negative: Carbon Negative indicates an entity or activity that removes more carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere than it emits. It results in a net reduction of CO2 levels and contributes to mitigating global warming.

Net Negative: Net Negative denotes a scenario where an entity’s overall emissions are not only offset or balanced but result in a surplus of carbon removals, effectively leading to a reduction in atmospheric GHG concentrations. Net Negative is more comprehensive and has a more significant removal impact than Climate Positive.

Example: A company that reduces its emissions to 50 tons of CO2 and simultaneously invests in carbon capture technology to remove 70 tons of CO2 achieves Carbon Negative. If this company also supports reforestation projects that remove an additional 30 tons of CO2, resulting in a net removal of 20 tons of CO2, it becomes Net Negative.

Scenario to use the above terms:

Carbon Negative: Use when focusing on showcasing specific projects or actions aimed at removing more carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere than the entity emits.

Net Negative use in a more comprehensive objective, demonstrates in balance in entity GHG emission and a surplus of carbon removals.

Negative Emissions and Avoided Emissions

Negative Emissions: Negative Emissions represent the total amount of GHG removal from the atmosphere, either naturally or through human interventions like afforestation or carbon capture technologies.

Avoided Emissions: Avoided Emissions are emissions that are prevented from being released into the atmosphere through sustainable actions or practices. It involves actions that reduce the carbon footprint, such as using renewable energy or energy-efficient technologies.

Example: If a factory adopts solar energy to power its operations, thereby reducing its reliance on fossil fuels, it achieves Avoided Emissions. On the other hand, if the factory additionally invests in reforestation projects, which absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, it contributes to Negative Emissions.

Scenario to use the above terms:

Negative Emissions term used when we discuss climate mitigation strategies and projects.

Avoided Emissions term used when discussing sustainable practices and measures taken to prevent GHG emissions from being released into the atmosphere.

Cumulative Emissions, Historical Emissions, and Residual Emissions

Cumulative Emission: Cumulative Emission refers to the total historical emissions of GHGs from a specific source or activity since the beginning of its operations.

Historical Emissions: Historical Emissions represent the cumulative GHG emissions released by a particular entity, industry, or nation over a specific period, often used to assess responsibility for past contributions to climate change.

Residual Emissions: Residual Emissions are the remaining GHG emissions that cannot be fully mitigated or offset despite efforts to reduce them. These emissions may still exist even after adopting sustainable practices.

Example: A power plant has been operational for 30 years and emitted a total of 1 million tons of CO2 during this period. This 1 million tons of CO2 represents its Cumulative Emission. The power plant’s annual emissions were reduced through efficiency measures, resulting in reduced Historical Emissions. However, even after all efforts, some emissions remain, which are classified as Residual Emissions.

Scenario to use the above terms:

Cumulative Emissions are useful for discussing the long-term impact of a specific source or activity.

Historical Emissions use when we want to highlight responsibility for past contributions to climate change.

Residual Emissions are used when we want to highlight areas needed further action for emission reduction.

Direct Emissions and Indirect Emissions

Direct Emissions: Direct Emissions refer to GHG emissions that occur from sources directly controlled by an entity, such as emissions from fuel combustion or industrial processes. Scope-01 emissions are direct emissions.

Indirect Emissions: Indirect Emissions are GHG emissions that occur as a consequence of an entity’s activities but originate from sources not directly owned or controlled by the entity. This includes emissions associated with electricity consumption or purchased goods and services. Scope-02 and 03 emissions are indirect emissions.

Example: A manufacturing company emits CO2 during its production processes (Direct Emissions). Additionally, it consumes electricity from the grid, which is generated by fossil fuels, resulting in additional CO2 emissions (Indirect Emissions).

Scenario to use the above terms:

Direct Emissions term used when our focus is on internal emission sources. We can also say activities are directly controlled by the entity.

Indirect Emissions term is used when our focus is on external emission sources. We can also say activities are indirectly controlled by the entity.

Embedded and operational Emissions

Embedded Emissions: Embedded Emissions represent the GHG emissions associated with the entire life cycle of a product, including production, transportation, and disposal. It reflects the full environmental impact of a product’s supply chain.

Operational Emissions: Greenhouse gas emissions generated during the use or operation of a product. These emissions are typically more direct and occur when the product is in use, functioning, or consuming energy.

Example: For example, when calculating the embedded emissions of a car, it would include emissions from producing raw materials like steel, aluminium, and plastic, as well as emissions from assembling the various parts and components. In the case of operational, operational emissions would include the greenhouse gases emitted from burning fuel while driving the vehicle/car.

Scenario to use the above terms:

Embedded Emissions term used when discussing life cycle assessments of products or services. It also uses when to showcase efforts in assessing and mitigating emissions across the entire supply chain.

Operational Emissions term used when discussing efforts to reduce GHG emissions directly resulting from the entity’s day-to-day operations. It also uses to set specific targets for reducing emissions resulting from internal operations.

Few terms can be interchangeable and used in the same scenarios but we should try to communicate the most appropriate and relevant terms during conversations, presentations, and corporate communication.


Understanding these terms and their distinctions is fundamental for effective communication and decision-making within the sustainability domain, empowering young climate professionals to address global environmental challenges with precision and clarity.

