(English version)
Have you ever been so surprised
by the mellowness in your eyes?
They were like almonds
throbbing in diamond,
An endearing sweetness
like a silky caress,
Again I saw them —
but they were only shadow,
It was as if your spirit was not present,
Only those two black holes
became more obvious
and devoured their beauty,
Perhaps the bitterness of life
is whipping your whole being
and extinguishes those orbs
bathed in sunlight,
or perhaps I am the blind one —
Annihilated by pessimism.

(Spanish Version)
“Ojos de almendra palpitantes en diamante”
¿Alguna vez has estado tan sorprendida?
¿Por la suavidad en tus ojos?
Eran como almendras
palpitante en diamante,
Una dulzura entrañable
como una caricia sedosa,
De nuevo los vi…
pero eran solo sombras,
Era como si tu espíritu no estuviera presente.
Solo esos dos agujeros negros.
se hizo más obvio
y devoraron su belleza,
Quizás la amargura de la vida.
está azotando todo tu ser
y extingue esos orbes
bañado por la luz del sol,
o tal vez yo soy el ciego —
Aniquilado por el pesimismo.

Enid Rodríguez Isáis



Corazón de Flor (((((((((Enid Rodríguez Isáis)))))

Mexican poet (born in Monterrey, N.L.) living in SATX. Follow me on Poémame @CorazónDeFlor, twitter@ECorazonDeFlor https://enidisais.wixsite.com/corazondeflor