“The Rules of Life”

Joseph Anton Carter
2 min readSep 15, 2018

“Sometimes all it takes is minimizing a window.”

It was a street lamp lit night.

I argued with my girlfriend; a childish fight.

Instead of hurt myself or punch a television, I noticed a notebook in my bedroom under a Pixar-styled lamp. It’s a notebook I’ve since lost.

I wrote, “The Rules of Life.” 38 pages total. An all-night affair. It held many concepts; one I will share with you now.

We must be self-battery powered. To allow another, even a loved one, motivate us; is unfair.

How do we do this today? I feel there is no other way but to write.

Software has allowed us to take in so much information it’s; yes, unfathomable. We have been conditioned to like and favorite others over ourselves. Incredibly dangerous.

If you are feeling thoughts of death, know that there’s nothing wrong with you.

I wanted to kill myself when a girl I’ll name X kicked in my the back of my laptop during a documentary. It was nobodies fault. I had placed it open on the ground like an imbecile (harsh but true) and I never told her it was broken. I held in the resentment and took it out on my mother. I had written plenty prior to this and it felt like there was no way out.

How To Break Free

The way out was time. We need to provide ourselves time to realize that life has up’s and down’s. It’s an inevitability that every day is going to not always be our best. That doesn’t mean we can’t do our best and see what results come.

It’s hard to be self-battery powered when life dishes life situations. How we move forward is understanding that the world requires sacrifice. Whether it’s our job or the time we spend behind displays; we sacrifice.

Don’t let these sacrifices limit your battery. Let your battery speak for itself and others will inevitably be attracted. The human brain is a magnet; use its power for your sake. If you leave it to others, don’t expect them to give it back. Take it and make it your own.


