How Taylor Swift Stays Grounded and Mindful on the Eras Tour

Enlightened Lotus
3 min readAug 27, 2024


I wouldn’t exactly call myself a “Swiftie,” but I’ve got to admit, I’m pretty impressed by Taylor Swift’s work ethic. She makes it all look so easy, right? Despite the whirlwind that is her Eras Tour, she somehow finds time to do touristy things in every city she visits. I mean, the woman recently performed three back-to-back shows in my city and still managed to squeeze in some downtime. How does she do it? How does she stay so grounded and mindful when life is spinning at a million miles an hour?

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Balancing the Hustle with a Little Fun

Taylor’s secret sauce seems to be her knack for balancing work and play. Even with a jam-packed schedule, she always carves out a little time to explore the cities she’s in. Whether she’s sipping coffee at a local café, checking out a museum, or just taking a stroll, these little escapes help her stay connected to the present. It’s like she’s recharging her batteries, soaking in the local culture, and giving herself a break from the high-energy performances. It’s mindfulness in action — staying in the moment, even when life is a bit of a whirlwind.

The Power of Friendship: Staying Grounded with a Little Help from Friends

But it’s not just the solo adventures that keep her grounded. Taylor is known for bringing her close friends along on tour. Blake Lively, for instance, often tags along, providing that much-needed emotional support. Having her friends around helps Taylor maintain a sense of normalcy, which is crucial when you’re constantly in the spotlight. It’s like having a little piece of home with her, no matter where she is. These friendships are more than just a good time — they’re a grounding force that keeps her connected to who she really is.

Mindfulness Practices: A Peek into Taylor’s Toolkit

Now, while Taylor hasn’t spilled all the details on her mindfulness practices, you can tell she’s got some strategies up her sleeve. She’s big on journaling, which is a classic mindfulness technique. Writing down her thoughts and feelings not only helps her process what’s going on but also gives her a chance to reflect and stay centered. Plus, she’s mentioned the importance of taking quiet moments for herself — whether it’s before a show or after a long day. These little pockets of solitude allow her to breathe, reset, and keep her mind clear.

Gratitude: The Anchor in the Storm

If there’s one thing Taylor is consistent about, it’s her gratitude. Despite all her success, she’s always expressing thanks — whether it’s for her fans, her team, or the opportunities she’s had. This attitude of gratitude isn’t just good manners; it’s a powerful way to stay grounded. By focusing on what she’s thankful for, Taylor keeps herself anchored, no matter how crazy life gets. It’s like a little reminder of why she does what she does and what truly matters.

Wrapping It Up: Lessons from Taylor Swift’s Mindful Journey

So, how does Taylor Swift stay so grounded and mindful amidst the chaos? It’s all about balance. She knows how to mix work with play, lean on her friends, practice mindfulness, and keep gratitude at the forefront. Her approach is a great reminder that no matter how busy or stressful life gets, it’s possible to stay grounded. Whether you’re a fan of hers or not, there’s something we can all learn from the way she navigates her world with such grace and intentionality.

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Enlightened Lotus

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