UX Case Study — Redesign Website Crowde SVI Challenge.

En Mia Simaibang
6 min readNov 28, 2021


by : En Mia Simaibang

Disclaimer : This project is part of the UI/UX Training Program held by the Ministry of Education and Culture with Skilvul and Crowde as Challenge Partners. I am not employed or bound by a professional contract by CROWDE.

Latar Belakang

CROWDE is a peer-to-peer financial platform provider that focuses on supporting the improvement of farmers’ welfare through agricultural capital and investors in agriculture.

The problem :

  • Make people familiar with GARAP/Crowde.
  • Redesign website to be more interactife.
  • Reach more farmers and attract investors.
  • Make it easier for users to fill out a loan application form.

My role :

As a UX designer, I collaborate with 2 members of my team, Fariz, and Garin. In this team, my responsibilities are:

  • UI/UX Designer
  • Do the design thinking process: empathize, define, ideates, prototype, and testing.
  • Do user research

Design Thingking Process:

In this case, we choose design thinking as our design process approach. The steps are:

  1. Empathize
  2. Define
  3. Ideates
  4. Prototype
  5. Testing
  1. Empathize

At this stage, my team and I get an empathetic understanding of the user’s problem. We surveyed by reading articles on the internet. We also analyze data regarding user problems on the crowde website. The main problem is that it is difficult for farmers to find partners who not only provide business loans, but also assist and educate them to improve the quality of their business results.

2. Define

  • Garap is better known than crowde.
  • There is still no information on the loan flow for service users.
  • The loan application is still using the google form.

At this stage, my team and I brainstorm ideas and get some paint points. We made it with sticky notes on Figma. After getting the pain points we found the idea of ​​how might we will do as :

brainstorming idea
how might we

3. Ideate

After going through the defined process, we continued with the ideate stage, namely brainstorming ideas. All the ideas provided can be put together and get solutions to the problems we have found.

  1. Introducing Crowde as the parent of Garap products
  2. Create a submission form

For the table of solution, we can draw conclusions that we can implement on the crowde website are:

  1. loan form

we want to integrate the form into the crowde website to make it easier for users to fill out the form.

2. Article

3. Live Chat

4. Portofolio

Then after that, we chose the prioritization idea to focus more on implementing the features. We made four important points.

After creating the ideate stage and prioritization ideas, we did crazy 8’s to create a rough outline. We do it on a blank sheet of paper for 8 minutes.

After doing crazy 8’s we made a rough idea of ​​the design we will make (wireframing).

At this stage, we also develop a user flow that will be useful to make it easier for us to determine the work process flow of the design that we will design.
We create two main user flows, namely registration, and application for financing. Here’s the user flow we’ve created:

  1. registration flow
registration flow

2. submission flow

submission flow

4. Prototyping

After creating the user flow we created the UI Styleguide like logo, color, text style, button and icon.

Here’s the UI Styleguide that I made with myteam:

After creating the UI Styleguide we started designing our website according to the wireframe we created earlier. We design colors, text styles, and buttons on our website design together.
Here are some views of the website designs that we designed:

UI Design

At this stage, we also do a prototype using Figma. We make 4 main points, namely, the homepage, apply for financing, register an account/log in to an account, and partners. At this stage, the aim is to create a good workflow to find out how users interact with the product we have developed. With this prototype, we will also identify problems with the features we designed.

Here’s the link to the prototype redesign of the crowde website that we designed:

5. Testing

At this stage, we evaluate the website design that we redesign. We also do user testability and user research.

At the user testability stage, we ask users to explore the website starting from the home point, apply for financing, register an account, sign in, and partner.

We as user researchers have the following criteria for respondents:

  1. Productive age 25–45 Years
  2. Work as a traditional or modern farmer
  3. Domicile throughout Indonesia
  4. Have Indonesian as a native language
  5. Ever applied for a loan for funding
  6. Can use the Internet

Create a scenario task as follows:

  1. Information search from the home menu
  2. Register/login first to become a partner
  3. Apply for a loan and ask to see the portfolio of the proposed funds
  4. See the types of partners on the crowde website
  5. Ask to read articles about agriculture and animal husbandry that has been provided.

Usability Metrics
We ask the user to assess the experience during the prototype (user experience questionnaire) and the user gives the value passed.


On this website, there is a loan application feature that has been integrated with the crowde website. Users are satisfied and quite able to master the use of the website that we have designed. On this website, there is also a notification feature and a portfolio of capital submissions that are quite useful. The results of the research above will also be better if we do some research on other users.

So that’s how we redesign process website we that made. Those are the results of the UX Case Study that I made. Stay healthy!



En Mia Simaibang

Experienced User Experience Researcher with considerations of business and user needs as well as technical challenges.