Espers Q2 update

Espers Team
7 min readJun 28, 2018


My fellow Esperian’s..

I’d just like to take a few moments of your time to inform you about where the project is at with regards to finishing up with Q2 goal and developments.

I’ll start with a few words from Jonathon Zeretsky ( The lead dev and creator and owner of Espers )

What’s the current situation?

“To address the current situation the Espers project is facing, as many are now becoming increasingly concerned of missed deadlines in the absence of x-node, side-chain, and messaging system commits to the CryptoCoderz’ team GitHub, I’d like to go over a few things. Currently you’ll find that there is a new test branch on the CryptoCoderz’ team GitHub which includes significant upgrades to peer network handling, block syncing, and a newly implement PoS-3 protocol. Currently the test branch works alongside the standard live wallet however later commits will change this and even fork the test branch’s builds to test the PoS-3 protocol and other functionalities that have since made their way into the Espers client and have yet to come as well. Upcoming next and soon is the x-node framework which will allow users to test launch x-nodes with the developers which will initially begin with stable runs of x-nodes themselves and their capability of handling a sidechain. In succession to this the mailing/messaging system will be integrated onto a test side-chain that will be able to be hosted by any and all participating x-nodes and transmit messages across its own chain to users. Accomplishing this will allow us to focus on the final goals of web hosting and large file storage systems which will make their way onto the x-node framework shortly after the prior mentioned tasks are finished.”

“In short what I’m saying this is the reason for any kind of delay and there still may or may not be one for all the systems as the x-node framework is scheduled to be testing live within upcoming weeks after we’ve made certain that the upgrade to PoS-3 protocol is both stable and reliable. We’re not taking chances here and that regrettably costs us precious time. We expect to be delayed about the same as Q1 had us (by just a few weeks) and hope that the community and supporters alike can excuse any kind of delay and inconvenience it may cost and understand why things are being done this way.”

So what’s been done and what needs to be done?

“Okay so what is going to be done is: testing of the new PoS-3 and updated peer handling wallet. I have not had the time to test it beyond ensuring that it is indeed stable with our current network as well. I have it running stably but have not testforked it in order to test the PoS-3 itself for functionality. I would like to do this soon (as in within the next day, not days) and release it out to the public for use after deciding on a fork date for the PoS-3 protocol. While this is going on I’ll be committing the x-node framework to our github and also re-setting up the auto-updating system and “client launcher” which manages the wallet for the user (windows only for now) including offering to update to the latest version if a new on is released onto the network and advanced features such as clearing out the datafiles and allowing the system to sync from scratch. I had even built it to load in downloaded files so that it would auto load from the latest bootstrap. This was built last year and I never finished setting it up. I now have the time to do so and since it’s already built there is not a whole lot of work involved in finishing up this helpful system.”

“It’s also easily converted to mac and linux which will be what I’ll focus on later on this year after we get more of the bigger goals accounted for and out of the way. Thanks goes to bbobb for still hosting the update server despite all this time going by (it’s been up for over a year now). He’s an awesome guy”

Next after we get the x-node prototype system up I’ll be working on and committing the message transfer (mailing) system that will utilize its own side-chain to transmit its data on also being the first Espers system to utilize the x-node framework with our end-goal intention of running anything off the chain (besides bananas as Gandalf86 pointed out).”

Once we have the messaging system running side-chains are already already out of the way since one will be used for the messaging system itself and operated by an x-node. Which will put us at the final goals of web hosting and storing larger data on the chain will be built and implemented.”

Here is the Github link for your own reference —

A quick note on the Espers Community fundraiser initiative

The first ever Espers Community fundraiser website went live at 18:00 GMT on the 27th of June 2018. It’s primary objectives are to raise well needed funds for an assistant developer to help Jon on core development and exchanges. To be clear none of the multi sig wallets are signed for by any of the offical team, they are held by community members and mods. This is a community donations initiative. The donation bars will update at 9pm EST every day.

A quick note from MachineMan our resident SuperMod

“Dear Espers community,

The Esper’s mod team has always been here for your curiosities and concerns. The over whelming topics always brought up are number of, and/or, size of the exchanges along with the speed of development. As we always value our communities input we have organized a BTC drive to make sure the community gets what it desires in the speed it desires, also easing the burden on Jon (CC’s) shoulders when it comes to core development. We have chosen to go with 2 wallets and 2 addresses so that any member wanting to support just exchange or hiring of assistant developer and not the other may. Our greatest appreciation.


Esper’s Mod Team

Why do we need an Assistant developer ?

We have listened to the community and understandably some of you are somewhat disappointed that we haven't got everything up and running yet. So to avoid future disappointment and better safeguard the development time frame, I have pushed for an additional developer to assist Jon (Cryptocoderz). We have some great developers already working within the Official team like Kevinboerland, Arsonic and CTGIANT, but unfortunately like the rest of the Official team ( myself included ) we are volunteers and do not not get paid and have lives and business outside of the Crypto sphere. So to increase speed we need an assistant core developer, hence the donation drive. I will be writing up a full job description shortly but the ideal candidate will have the following….

  • A formal education in computer science or similar
  • Experience building decentralized applications
  • A portfolio/showcase of relevant work
  • References
  • Fluent in C++, HTML, CSS, C++, Python, PHP, Javascript
  • A can do attitude
  • Willingness to engage with the community

So if anybody feels they are up to the challenge and meet the criteria above please email with the title Assistant Core developer.

A quick note on exchanges

For our first community funded exchanges we decided to go with the following….
Current volume as of writing this article is 316.19 BTC & $1,930,699 USD

Total volume is 16 BTC more than our current highest grossing exchange….

Current volume as of writing this article is 301.50 BTC & $1,841,374

+ 5 different languages…

And a top 5 user base from the following country's …

  1. Vietnam 2. Canada 3. Bangladesh 4. Japan 5. India which are all in our PGT ( predicted growth targets )

Gulden Trader will feature Espers first ever direct Euro to ESP pairing so you can buy and trade Espers directly with Euro’s at your convenience.

The combined price needed to list on CoinEx Market & Guldentrader is 1.16 BTC.

I have quite a few exchange offers, some with very large volumes of up to 9000 BTC, the majority have very large Asian markets and platforms that can be translated into 5 or 6 languages, which is something that will do wonders for the project. But due to the current situation and to better safeguard the projects growth and stability, myself and the mods have opted for a stepping stone method, IE step by step we will build up to the larger exchanges increasing our volume in a healthy and organic way.

The Espers YouTube Channel

On the Sunday the 8th of July at 12PM we will be launching the offical Espers YouTube channel. This will be your one stop shop for all Espers related video content. Including a detailed interviews with the man himself Jonathon Zeretsky (Cryptocoderz).

Your continued support and participation is vital and we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. The technology we are working on together is game changing and it will have the power to not only safeguard industry giants, but provide protection to the vulnerable and those with muffled voices.

Kind Regards,


