4 min readDec 17, 2021

Individual pieces of crypto art, more commonly known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are inadvertently responsible for millions of tonnes of CO2 emissions. These emissions are generated by mining the various cryptocurrencies used to buy and sell them. There are blockchain culture participants who think this problem can be resolved easily and there are those, who think such solutions are nothing more than a pipe dream. Either way, widespread blockchain adoption accelerates at an unprecedented pace and this means that blockchain-based solutions might be the most powerful tool to help fight climate change.

NFT gaming multiverses are not what they used to be. It seems that not only the artwork’s thematic scope, but also that of the gaming themes and narratives itself has differentiated and diversified. In comes the OneRare blockchain metaverse, or rather a foodverse. This innovative approach and a visionary and passionate view towards an immersive sim takes shape from an idea that everyone and anyone, everywhere and anywhere loves food. Looking at it, smelling it and, of course, eating it is something that all of us LOVE. This next generation of blockchain adoption can be defined in OneRare’s own terms — a food metaverse will appeal to everyone, OneRare NFTs will grant you access to celebrity chefs, celebrated restaurants and food brands. It will enrich the gaming verse with exclusive visual and interactive content and, last, but not least, will let you exchange NFTs for meals in specific restaurants worldwide. All of this with the idea behind, to raise awareness to food shortage problem around the globe, according to OneRare.

Through the use of OneRare’s native token ORARE — the platform’s users are entitled to certain perks, use cases and areas. These ultimately are:

Farm — the gamer’s interface which operates under the play-to-earn principle. Gamers, or farmers, as they are called, grow crops for food ingredients, which are the components for new NFTs;

Farmer’s Market — farmers then can sell their NFT component production through a marketplace application between users;

Kitchen — ingredients constitute dishes (another type of NFT) that can be minted;

Playground — NFT owners can battle in various sorts of mini games;

The VALUE that united our companies is sustainability. OneRare are climate-conscious, and, you guessed it, so are we. With the help of Enrex platform’s applications and use cases, OneRare will be able to offset NFT minting and other blockchain activities. In addition to this, Enrex will:

● Provide renewable energy certificates (RECs), fully compliant with every legal regulatory authority body for any and every crypto operation within the NFT game’s metaverse — acquiring ORARE tokens, making transactions with them via DEXes, etc. Enrex will also calculate the energy consumption used for said operations;

● When minting NFTs, Enrex can provide a comprehensive plan to offset the emissions coming from such an endeavour. This type of interactivity between virtual food production, game building and the offsetting strategy for the financial assets within the Binance Smart Chain supported wallet is unparalleled within the crypto world;

The joint venture of these completely different crypto projects reveals that the crypto world has no boundaries. This inspiring partnership proves the power that strong values can help make big dreams a reality. Both the NFT gaming platform OneRare and the carbon offsetting service of Enrex together have produced a great opportunity for each other to reach a wider audience and carry a cleaner climate message with style!


DeFi gateway to multi-billion dollar carbon allowances and renewable energy certificates markets.