— offsetting widget Tutorial for Newcomers!

3 min readMay 24, 2022


Here are ALL the steps to fully implement the ‘green’ opportunity that is the Enrex web-offsetting Widget!

Start Adding the Widget Now!

  1. The easiest way to access the Enrex web offsetting widget is to go to our website — .
  2. Once there, you will be presented with an easy to navigate interface that holds the following tabs:
  3. Add Widget — the first step to initialise the Widget’s effectiveness.
  4. Members — a showcase gallery for browsing through participants, already using our widget!
  5. My Widgets — an area where you can review your websites that have claimed the Widget.
  6. When you sufficiently grasp this interface, the offset procedures for your website’s traffic may begin.

One step at a time!

  1. First and foremost, estimate your website’s carbon footprint by inputting a web address in the appropriate slot below.
  2. Once that is done, we will calculate the carbon footprint for your website’s traffic, and other estimates such as energy consumption generated with every visit. At this point, we will also present to you, whether you qualify for the freemium plan or not.
  3. Our calculations and estimates include separate tables for single visits and yearly calculations:
  • Our calculation algorithm estimates the CO2 amounts that are produced by visiting the website in question.
  • This is paralleled with an LED light energy consumption equivalent per time unit, and the number of trees needed to absorb the emitted volume of carbon emissions.
Here’s an example of the energy consumption created on

We Are Almost There!

4. There will be a reminder that the energy consumption will be covered by Enrex issuing a renewable energy certificate (REC).

5. The last thing you need to do is to click the “Add Widget” button and you will gain a line of code for the Widget, provided to you via an e-mail address.

6. Inputting this line of code to your website will adapt and showcase the Widget in graphical form on your website — the “badge of honour” for displaying your website’s “greenness”.

Congratulations! The Widget Has Been Added!

Within the frame of “Members”, you will see your website or websites among every other Enrex Widget user’s website or websites — a full roster of websites already using Enrex Widget. Also provided in every entry is every calculation that you were able to see while adding the Widget previously.

Finally, you will be able to review and manage your Enrex Widget analytics and full scope of relevant information via the “My Widgets” tab!

We have already shared a few insights and glimpses into Enrex’s green browsing appliance — Enrex Widget, in the form of “Presenting the ENREX GREEN Browsing WIDGET!”. Also, our recent social media posts on our dedicated Telegram channel and every other piece of social media have been hinting at facets of the Widget.

We expect, we have streamlined the process of adding the Enrex Widget to a website as much as possible and will be looking forward to seeing all the Enrex aficionados indulge in our state-of-the-art green browsing appliance.




DeFi gateway to multi-billion dollar carbon allowances and renewable energy certificates markets.