$ENRX is sold on both centralized and decentralized exchanges. What’s next for ENREX?

4 min readApr 25, 2022


It has been an action packed month for us here ENREX. We have released our offsetting enabling token — $ENRX. You can now purchase it on Raydium and one of the top-10 CEXes — MEXC Global! It is time to outline our plans for the future!

In previous articles and social media updates, we have established upcoming Enrex applications, services and products, such as staking and widget capabilities that Enrex will provide. Our ample number of partners and advisors prove that we are on the right track and it is time to fully outline the plans for the crypto revolution!

The greatest mark of a truly GEM-crypto project is the meticulous fulfilment of established roadmap goals. Enrex does not just stand there on its initial accomplishments — we keep innovating and expanding to include even more areas of the blockchain world into the offsetting use case. It is only the first of the update series, that will continue in the future, as the project advances.

Our current focus areas until the summer are:

  1. NFT offsetting platform.
CryptoBlades are the latest project to offset their carbon emissions with ENREX

The main focus right now lies on our goal to provide a way to offset NFT collections. It goes without saying, NFTs are here to stay. The crypto world needs a manageable and respectable service to contain carbon emissions produced by NFT minting, collecting, and buying/selling. During the first year since Enrex’s inception, we have already gathered a plethora of NFT gaming and collecting platforms as our prospective partners. This is the first usecase of the upcoming Enrex’s offsetting dapp!

Upon its release, the dAPP will promote NFT collection offsetting. The idea of prioritising NFT offsetting came from our due diligence, extracting our short term goals and moving on based on the market and client needs — we are adapting wholeheartedly. We have offset 10+ NFT collections manually and now we shall begin automating the operation going forward as a separate use case, exclusive to NFTs.

The automated NFT beta will launch in one month.

2. Enrex web traffic CO2 offsetting Widget.

This Enrex appliance has already been presented in detail on our Medium stream (check that out at: https://medium.com/@enrex/presenting-the-enrex-green-browsing-widget-801bc42af9c6). The main goal of the Widget will be to provide an additional voluntary solution for certain website visitors and their handlers to offset their visitation emissions. Furthermore, the Widget will provide a border exposition for Enrex and its native token — $ENRX. The enduring value that Enrex gathers from this usecase:

  • Exposure to the border market.
  • New additional subscription models.

You can now sign up to have your own website offset here: https://greenweb.enrex.io/home!

3. The launch of the ENREX offsetting dapp.

With the two usecases already established, we are carefully, though fast, approaching the goal of fully launching Enrex’s offsetting dapp. As we initialise it, first use cases will be spread among North America’s blockchain markets and will be covered with renewable energy certificates (RECs) and the Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System and registry (M-RETS) (https://www.mrets.org/). This feature will come about after the NFT offsetting facility release.

4. Working closely with data scientists around the world.

We are approaching different blockchain networks and crypto entities for mutual grants to provide energy/CO2 footprint calculations. This type of grant program will cater to aspiring and inspiring scientists and top industry players to help maintain methodical and precise calculations when evaluating one’s carbon emission footprint. Together with scientits from the Frankfurt blockchain institute and other academic entities, ENREX will create scientifically sound methods for calculating energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and data scientist entities which would oblige such shortcomings. In the end, blockchains would gain a top tier analytical oversight, scientific entities and Enrex would broaden their outreach — a win-win situation. Further information on this will be announced next month.

And here you have it, the first update on Enrex’s current activities and further roadmap pledges. Stay tuned, and follow us on our social media. And if you have not familiarised yourself with Enrex’s full scope of utility yet, browse through our extensive Medium site at: https://medium.com/@enrex.




DeFi gateway to multi-billion dollar carbon allowances and renewable energy certificates markets.