My Ironhack journey. Greetings and Episode 1: Visual Note-Taking

Enric Camarero
3 min readJan 17, 2019


Hello Medium Audience!

This is me enjoying myself, a lot.

It’s my first time writing here and, honestly, I have always been more of a reader than a writer but, you know, it’s never too late to get started!

First of all, let me introduce myself:
My name is Enric Camarero and I’m from Barcelona. I’m an app developer fascinated by architecture patterns.🤓

I’m working as an app developer for a consulting company in sunny Barcelona.

Besides that I, sometimes, play music, take pictures (with no success so far) and eat pizza.

As you can guess, English is not my native language. Therefore I beg your pardon for upcoming linguistic mess and feel free to correct me on the comments below. Thanks!

I promise we will get down to business soon but I must clarify the title beforehand: Ironhack. Yes, I’m starting there soon and I’ll tell you more about it in the upcoming posts.

Now, after all this introduction, let’s do this!

We have been challenged to take some sketch notes about a TEDTalk: How Giant Websites Design For You, by Margaret Gould Stewart. This talk offers some insights about the process of designing and making changes to these huge systems that a sixth of humanity use regularly. Man, that’s a big number.

Spoiler alert! I’m not a sketcher at all. Nonetheless let me show you the process of making these sketch notes.

Well done genius. Everybody will understand this. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Yup, take one is quite messy.

I’m not used to the kind of exercises where you make everything super flashy looking and ready to get on Pinterest. First try was horrendous.

I am not giving up that easy, so I tried again and again until I decided to don’t even try drawing and things started to work.

I’m not saying this is like the final result but from my perspective, having something good enough is much better than having nothing perfect. So here are my sketch notes from the talk:

Well, it ain’t that bad

This is not my zone of comfort but is something I had to try and personally I’m not mad about how bad can it look. It retains the core information I wanted from the talk and I hope it can serve as a first-glance source of information.

I will, maybe, try to improve this current sketch over the upcoming days so if you want to see how it progresses, give some claps and join me on my journey.


