Coffee Badging: You Have Been Warned

3 min readDec 23, 2023


Don’t we love the buzzwords? In the ongoing battle between employees and the push for a return to office (RTO), a new trend has emerged — Coffee Badging. This intriguing concept raises thousands of questions regarding the impact it has on the culture of the workplace as well as the well-being of individuals. So, let’s dig in and find out as much as we can.

What is Coffee Badging?

Coffee Badging: A harmful trend???

The term “coffee badge” refers to a cultural phenomenon that centres on the utilisation of coffee consumption as a form of social currency within the workplace. Coffee badges are not simply about having a cup of coffee on your desk. There is a widespread belief that this practice subtly affects perceptions and the dynamics of social relationships at workplace.

As organisations have started to call their WFH employees to the office, this trend came into light. Employees come to office, show their faces and make a run for the coffee. Some call it dangerous work culture while others call it push back by employees.

Why The Coffee Badging?

Easy to say that employees are winning this round. It’s a response to the restrictive and often unnecessary RTO mandates that many workers find burdensome. A recent survey by Owl Labs revealed that 58% of hybrid workers have participated in coffee badging, a phenomenon where employees use coffee consumption as a form of subtle protest against returning to the office. Astonishingly, 47% of employees express their willingness to quit if faced with mandatory RTO.

The preference for remote work stems from the desire for flexibility, autonomy, and the avoidance of time-consuming and costly office visits. The sentiment is clear — many find remote work more conducive to productivity, comfort, and a better work-life balance, steering clear of the distractions, interruptions, and stress associated with the traditional office setting. In this tug-of-war, employees seem to be claiming a victory, marking their dissent with a cup of coffee in hand.

What do Gurus Say About Coffee Badging?

The nuances of Coffee Badging have been investigated by researchers and workplace experts, who have scrutinised its effects on the dynamics of teams and the relationships between professionals.

There are warnings from experts that Coffee Badging can hurt both individual and organisational performance. This subtle behaviour, in which drinking coffee becomes a form of social currency, could hurt workplace engagement, teamwork, creativity, and loyalty. Reseachers have warned organisations of this happening phenomenon and the need for it to stop? But Is it even possible?


The “coffee badging” is a symbol of silent protest and caffeine-based social currency. This nuanced act addresses what many see as unnecessary and restrictive Return to Office (RTO) mandates. It’s intriguing that workplace gurus and researchers warn against Coffee Badging’s risks. Can and should this aromatic rebellion be stopped? Dialogue is open, and the coffee-stained battlefield awaits exploration.

Reader, what do you think of Coffee Badging? Could it harm workplace dynamics or be a harmless resistance ritual? Please share your thoughts and help us understand this caffeine-fueled story. After all, in the workplace, every sip tells a story, and we’re just beginning to understand it.




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