Next Level Todo-App: Using React, Typescript, Capacitor, and GCP.

Enrico Gruner
The Startup
Published in
13 min readMay 30, 2020


Plan, Develop, and Deploy a Todo-App prototype. Deploy it to Android and Google Cloud Platform.

Photo by Tim Arterbury on Unsplash

A Todo-App is a perfect fit for learning a programming language. It requires user input, holding state, and updating the UI. However, most courses and tutorials only touch the surface of the problem. If you are familiar with the basic concepts, there are slim to none courses out there that would advance your knowledge.

Programming alone is also not the only thing that keeps developers awake at night. Planning and deploying software are skills that we need to talk about more. We should share our knowledge, even if we do not do everything perfectly. It is the only way to open a discussion upon our skills and reach a higher level.

So, let us rethink the plain old Todo-App to make it attractive as a learning project for more advanced developers.

Is this right for you?

Motivation and Requirements.

Why would you make another Todo-App? You have probably already seen thousands of them.

The focus of this course is mainly on everything around the Todo-App. I will show a basic workflow for planning an app, developing, adding features, and deploying to web and mobile.



Enrico Gruner
The Startup

I write about new programming topics and explain concepts in simple words. I write about JavaScript, React, CSS, and Unity. Join me on my journey!