“The Ethical Implications of Transferring Human Consciousness to the Metaverse” and a Short Story about it…

Enrique Benet-Gregg
7 min readFeb 13, 2023



The transfer of human consciousness into the metaverse is a topic that will captivate the interest of people worldwide. However, despite the immense potential benefits of this possible future technology, it raises significant ethical considerations that must be addressed. This short fiction examines the ethical ramifications of transferring human consciousness into the metaverse and how this may affect the future of humanity.

As we explore Omar’s story and metaverse experiences deeper, we will consider the ethical issues surrounding this, soon-to-be, new frontier. Important things to talk about include the effects on our mortality, the social fabric, the right age to transfer human consciousness, how to deal with time in a weird way, and the conditions in which this technology can be used. We must ensure that the development and use of this technology is safe, secure, and ethically decent and that everyone, regardless of socioeconomic level, will benefit from it.

The transfer of human consciousness into the metaverse has enormous promise, but we must approach it with extreme caution. This short narrative provides an opportunity to discuss the ethical implications of this new technology and how it may alter our perception of the world. Furthermore, it serves as a reminder that as we continue to push the limits of science and technology, we must also consider its effect on our society and the globe.

The future of the metaverse and its impact on humanity is an issue of increasing significance that merits our consideration. I hope this short story will make people think about the ethical problems that could be caused by the possibility of transferring human consciousness into the metaverse. I also hope that it will get people talking about technology's future and its role in our lives.

“Trading Reality for Safety: A Journey to the Metaverse”

Chapter 1. The Very Start

The year was 2040, and the world was very different from what it had been. A crude war and a climate of terror exacerbate Syria's ongoing struggles. Yet, Omar, an 11 year old boy, and his parents, Ali and Fatima, were among those who called this place home despite the mayhem. They worried for their son constantly, despite how much they cared for him. For him, the world had become an unsafe place. The past, present, and future are dark concepts in the family's mind.

The parents of Omar took every precaution to ensure their son’s safety. They protected him from the elements and limited his exposure to the outside world. They were aware, however, that this was not a long-term answer. Due to the constant threat of political unrest, Omar could not live a normal life. They were faced with the decision of either keeping their son at home with them and continue living in fear or sending him away to a location where he could be secure.

Chapter 2. The Dilemma

Although they cared strongly about Omar, Omar’s parents were also aware about the threats they faced. They continually fretted over his well-being and the challenges he would confront if he remained in the real world. Either they kept him with them and lived in continual fear, or they sent him away to a location where he could be protected. Another country was an impossible option for every Sirian.

They finally settled on sending him to the virtual world, an online community free from physical danger. In other words, they had to think long and hard about this option. They anticipated being separated from their son and only seeing him via a mental screen. They were also cognizant of the fact that the metaverse was cutting-edge tech with several unanswered questions concerning its viability and usefulness. But they saw it as their son’s best chance for safety, so they were willing to take a chance.

Chapter 3. The New World

Omar’s first foray into the metaverse was fraught with apprehension and anticipation. There was nothing like it in his past experiences. A vast digital universe with infinite potential sprang up before him. The views and colors were absolutely breathtaking. His load of the real world’s brutality had been lifted, and he was free to enjoy life. It exceeded his wildest expectations.

Omar discovered his limitless potential as he ventured further into the metaverse. He was free from the restraints of reality and could do whatever he wanted in his virtual world. Throughout his travels, he met fascinating people from all over the new universe. Omar had not felt this energized in a very long time.

Chapter 4. Reminiscence

Omar’s feelings of void grew stronger as the “days” went on. Although the program recreated every angle of the biological world, he knew it was all a fake reality. He longed for the warmth of the “real” sun on his skin, the “real” breeze through his hair, and the “real” sound of his friends' laughter. He longed for the warmth of his parents’ embrace, the chirping of birds, and the scent of freshly cut grass. He yearned to return to the actual world with its familiar smells, sounds, tastes, and even bombs.

More and more, he recognized that the metaverse was not the utopia his parents had promised. It was all an illusion, a simulation that couldn’t hold a candle to reality. He missed the sensations he formerly took for granted in the physical world. It dawned on him that he had essentially exchanged one sort of confinement for another.

Chapter 5. Contemplation

“Years” passed and “Omar” reflected on the great philosopher Carl Sagan as he looked up at the infinite virtual sky. “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” Sagan once said. And now he was nothing but data and code, existing only in the realm of digits. He also reflected on the words of Ernest Hemingway, another of his favorite thinkers: “The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, some are strong at the broken places.” No longer a part of the universe that had given him life and love, he felt broken and abandoned in the metaverse.

Chapter 5. The Acceptance

While Omar was relaxing in his digital space, he reflected on his real-life parents and all they had done for him. He understood that their devotion to him required them to make a choice that would have lasting effects on his life. He said that he understood why they made that decision. They weren’t cruel; their actions were motivated by love. But, was love an important part in his new reality? His capabilities were simply endless. He learned to recreate every moment of love with his parents and enhance it as he wished. What was the new morality, and who dictated the moral terms? Is the concept of God involved in the equation?

Omar, in the end, came to terms with his new existence in the metaverse. He loved all it had to offer because of his exposure to it. He met interesting people, went to exotic locations, and had exciting experiences. For him, the online world stopped being just a simulation and turned into something fun and real. Simulation or not, it was the only thing that he had.

Chapter 7. Projections for the Future

Omar will forever feel a pang of nostalgia and a yearning for the real world. He would never forget the efforts and love his parents had given him. The war and the reasons for his transformation into a “program” will always be fresh in his “mind”.

But the affection and memories he had shared with his loved ones would also remain etched in his mind forever. Although Omar eventually settled into his new life, he knew there was no turning back. He made the most of his newfound freedom by agreeing into the metaverse.

Chapter 8. The Obstacles

The metaverse had its challenges. Keeping up with the ever-evolving demands of the online world was a constant challenge for Omar. Keeping abreast of new developments in technology and acquiring new expertise were necessities. Even online threats like hackers and identity theft need his attention.

Omar was resolved to make the most of his time in the metaverse, despite his difficulties. He kept moving forward, discovering new places and making new acquaintances. He also aided in the expansion of the metaverse, making it a friendlier and more welcoming place for people of all backgrounds.

Chapter 9. The Links

Over time, Omar’s involvement in the metaverse led him to see it as more than simply a haven from the stresses of everyday life; it was also a place to make new friends. He met people from around the globe and discovered he shared more with them than he had previously realized.

The inhabitants of the metaverse did not give any credence to superficial characteristics like skin color or gender when evaluating others. They were assessed based on their personalities and behavior. The freedom Omar felt upon realizing he could assume any identity he desired was a welcome side effect of his discovery of the metaverse.

Chapter 10. Wrap Up

It wasn’t a picnic for Omar to make it to the metaverse. Because of this, he had to abandon his entire real-world life. But he also learned to value life and the relationships he built.

The gem that is our current way of life is threatened by the radical physical and digital transformations that lie just around the corner. As much as the metaverse may provide a glimpse of a future free of violence and bigotry, it is not without its difficulties. As we continue to find and make new technologies, we must never lose sight of how important our body-based experiences are. Finally, what distinguishes us as humans today?

Omar realized that it is not so much where you live as how you live that matters in this world. What matters most are the relationships you build, the memories you make, and the affection you show one another.



Enrique Benet-Gregg

Background in law, business, art and conservation. Passionate about positive change and collaboration.