Strawberry Moon, a Poem

432 Vintage
1 min read6 days ago

(I wrote this short poem in anticipation of the soon to be, Strawberry Moon. The full Strawberry Moon will be visible on June 21st, 2024. The event is named after the color of wild strawberries that ripen in June. The moon itself is a testament to the beauty this planet holds, and a cry out to humanity to protect this planet and its beauty at all costs. For our sake and the sake of all. Enjoy)

Strawberry Moon

The heat of June reaches its end

the glow of that strawberry moon opens our hearts.

A blessing from above.

A blessing of much need

for our hearts are void and hollow

We shall look up at the sky,

free of burden and pain.

Our Strawberry Moon.

Nevertheless, it will end

as all things end.

A blessing faded into dust.

A break from pain and woe.

Eddas and Hymns will be sung of it,

and of how it faded away.

“Our Strawberry Moon that was as bright as day,”

they shall say.



432 Vintage

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