Day Eight

Phil Ensminger
1 min readJun 7, 2017


I’m sore.

Took the liberty of working out midday today. Refreshing. Clarifying. Energizing. I’m feeling it now, though.

I think this is a habit I want to develop.

To make room for the midday break, I started work a little earlier. Not as early as I wanted to, but earlier than usual. This, another habit I want to develop.

I have the impossible desire to do everything “first thing” in the morning. I struggle to choose what is most impactful for me — Do I walk? Do I work out? Do I read? Do I write? Do I dive right into the task of the day?

As part of this writing effort, I’m trying to intentionally reflect on the product of my day, and use that (albeit still subjective) data to evaluate strategies to maximize, and those to minimize.

Today was a productive day. +1 for doing work first thing in the morning.

Tomorrow, I have a meeting at 6:30a. Then one at 9a. One at noon. And another at 1p. Focused work will return Thursday.

Speaking of focus, I read this today. You could to.

