Four Different Types of Car Insurance Explained

Ensurance Compare
2 min readOct 8, 2018


Whenever you begin to contemplate the numerous kinds of car insurance plans available, it may get overwhelming. Do you know precisely what types you need? Does your state require it? Are there ways to save money and adjust the scope of coverage?

Below we detail four types of policies and provide a few situations where you’d benefit from having the coverage added to save some money depending upon budget and your automobile.

Liability Insurance — Liability insurance covers you in case you’re in a vehicle accident that is included and it’s determined the accident is a consequence of your activities.

Liability insurance can cover the costs of fixing any property damaged by an injury as well as the expenses from injuries. Most states have a minimum requirement of the amount of liability insurance protection that drivers must have. Since your policy limit was exceeded, you wouldn’t wish to run the danger of having to pay a great deal of money.

Collision Coverage — If there any is a protected accident, collision car insurance policy will pay for the repairs. In case your vehicle is older, it may not be worthwhile carrying collision policy depending upon the value. And on the flip side, whether you have one that’s relatively new or a car, collision insurance may help get you to where you’d been to your vehicle before any injury back. Note: Whether you have a lienholder, this coverage is required.

Comprehensive Coverage — What if something occurs to your vehicle that’s unrelated to a covered injury — weather harm, you hit a deer, your vehicle is stolen — will your insurance provider cover the loss? Liability insurance and collision policy cover accidents, but not these situations. These scenarios are covered by Comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage is one of these things that are great for have if it fits in your price range. Anti-theft and monitoring devices on vehicles could make the car insurance policy slightly more affordable, but carrying this kind of insurance might be expensive, and might not be necessary, particularly if your vehicle is easily replaceable.

Note: Whether you have a lienholder, this coverage is required.

Personal Injury Protection — While Comprehensive policy can be something you do not need to buy, Personal Injury Protection is something you should. The expenses associated from an accident can rapidly add up, and for cover, these costs Personal Injury Protection is available. With this coverage, your medical expenses together with those of your passengers will be paid, no matter who’s at fault for an accident. Note: This coverage isn’t available in all states.

