2 min readJan 21, 2022


In my learning path of PowerBI and with the intention of deepening my knowledge of DAX and at the same time to create something useful that could serve me in my daily activity, I created a reference sheet for DAX functions

The preparation of the DAX reference sheet took place in 3 steps:

STEP1: Identification of the data source

In this step I have identified the site
as a reference data source

I made a web query using PowerQuery that had as a parameter the general path combined with the single function to extract

This allowed me to get all the necessary information

STEP2: Creating a data model

In this step I have merged the tables recovered in the previous step and merged them into a single table with all the functions divided by category

Then I created a calculated table to enter the descriptions of the categories of functions and any specific data of each category

The result was the following:

STEP3: Visualization of the obtained data

In the last step I created a report that could represent the functions by category and could report the details of each function through a link

you can download the first version of the report to my github repository





Data management, data visualization, data analytics and data science