The Necessity of Entertainment-Based Cryptocurrency

5 min readAug 18, 2022



Hello, ENTCers and ENTERBUTTONers around the globe!

Today’s newsletter will focus on ENTC’s exclusive insight and ENTC’s report analysis on how we view entertainment-based coins. Indeed, ENTC’s Research and Development (R&D) team believes that it will prevail at a rapid pace in the field of cryptocurrency.

Why is Cryptocurrency both necessary and inevitable in the entertainment industry?

Cryptocurrency in the entertainment industry is necessary now more than ever, illuminated by the COVID-19 pandemic, transforming entirely or at least significantly every facet of life from an in-person reality to the virtual realm. From an economic perspective, these macro-level changes originally tailored for the workplace such as Zoom meetings transcending a corporate board room, are now also seen during times of enjoyment such as the ability to enjoy a new album by one’s favorite artist. The graph below demonstrates exactly this idea — how the metaverse optimizes customer interactions via digitization and has created space for these new changes to take place to allow for ENTC to make headway first in Asia and later throughout the globe.

Further highlighting ENTC’s vision of a virtual world being inevitable in hospitals, cafes, schools, and other entities which use the ENTC token, the next graph illustrates how specifically Korea and developed countries in Asia are the leaders in digitization and are technologically in “Year 2032” ( for digitized products and services such as Entertainment NFTs.

Also taken from, the big picture here is that whether it is COVID-19 or the Luna debacle, a shake-up in the status quo which can crash an economy or defer consumer confidence typically precedes the next revolution. These results are something positive we can extract from what we once viewed as a crisis. These major changes have paved the way for a necessary product — entertainment NFTs. They have also paved the way for the inevitability of products that were once out of reach to many, simply due to their location such as a works of art or other non-digital products of entertainment.


Like the artist above, ENTC’s parent company, SDKB Entertainment, is in the process of contracting more top artists in several genres, generating more revenue through album sales, television appearances, and other proceeds made possible through NFTs, which forego any middleman inherent in traditional entertainment revenue. This translates to a greater variety of products available to our users and a more diverse portfolio.

NFTs are solidifying their place in entertainment as virtual live auctions are being utilized (as shown above). Luna coin’s demise still has longstanding effects on investors and therefore our message to you is what we have been working so tirelessly on: fulfilling our mission of transparency to our users while providing the ultimate utopian experience.

Next in line

The ENTC token is becoming the vanguard of tokens and as such is at the top of the queue for the Korean exchange platforms, even amid the growing concern in consumer confidence. Korean investors are reluctant to take on any risk with crypto, analogous to investors’ reactions during the 2008 financial collapse, previously articulated in our newsletter in late June. Thriving amidst the pollution of shady coins making false promises has only bolstered our mission of transparency even more. Let’s face the facts: anyone guaranteeing a too-good-to-be-true return should not be trusted. We are continuing to adapt our approach to best suit these dynamic times and will keep you updated every step of the way as we have done thus far.

Why are we going to survive?

Yes, we believe in Social Darwinism — survival of the fittest. NFTs in general are projected to remain a specialized and thus independent branch of cryptocurrency and as such, fluency in NFTs now will pay dividends in the future. Additionally, as you will see below, a downturn in the crypto market will not necessarily influence entertainment-based NFTs proportionally.


ENTC’s unique niche in the entertainment based NFT market gives it a demand unmatched by other NFT organizations. Even more specifically, ENTC’s founding members also know how to lead by example and have connections in the industry as their respective reputation and resume trumps that of any other company management. These well-revered leaders have had experience in overcoming adversity individually and in their respective occupational experiences and therefore ENTC has planned for the unexpected and factors outside of its control with extreme finesse and careful planning.

“Crypto is down and the value of most NFTs tied to the value of crypto has fallen, but entertainment companies are committed to the long-term opportunities NFTs — especially those providing ongoing utility — offer consumers” (NFT Activity in the Entertainment Industry: Summer 2022 Update

At ENTC, we are committed to the long-term prospects of our users and our closely-knit global communities that we are continuing to collaborate with during our expansion. NFTs that continue to provide utility are part of a concept known as “on-going utility” — which will allow the entertainment NFT to hold a more stable value and have higher consumer and investor confidence on decentralized platforms like OpenSea. Following the prospective decentralization of crypto, users will be able to buy goods like season tickets with coins and thus enjoy more seamless transactions, leveraging further utility and convenience.

Source: — outlining the idea of on-going utility and intrinsic value

When Paramount, Warner Bros., and Netflix are also utilizing this concept of ongoing utility by rewarding those watching their streaming services via NFTs, you can rest assured that with the ENTC token, you are trending on the right side of innovation alongside all of us here at ENTC.


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ENTERBUTTON (ENTC) strives to construct a project which establishes a harmonious relationship between the blockchain ecosystem and the entertainment business.