Actress Drea King deals with the supernaturally scary in new sci-fi flick ‘Gray Matter’

John Michaels
3 min readApr 20, 2018
Drea King, photo by Todd Duncan

Sweating. Trembling. Increased heart rate. We all know the symptoms of fear. The suspense of not knowing what will come next; the adrenaline rush; horror film junkies are extremely familiar with all of these reactions. It’s what they crave, and why they head to the theatre to see the latest scary movie. They face their fears while still sitting comfortably in their seat with a bucket of popcorn to munch on.

Actress Drea King understands this very well. With a series of successful horror, mystery, and suspenseful science fiction films and television series under her belt, she herself is a fan of the genre through both acting and viewing. For the Canadian native, it’s the surprise of never knowing what comes next that keeps the genre thrilling for her.

“A lot of films that I have performed in intertwine suspense, thriller, and mystery. I like to be taken off guard. I like to be surprised and I like to try and figure out the ending. And as filmmakers, we know that audiences are very smart. They can figure things out easily, and if you have a really great core to your story, they’ll be surprised how it ends. The films I’ve always worked on give an intellectual surprise that keeps the audience on their toes,” said King.

In King’s most recent feature film, Gray Matter, this in demand actress once again shows off her acting capabilities. The science fiction film, which has its theatrical release today, April 20th, 2018, is sure to frighten audiences. Since the 1940’s alien beings known as “Grays” have been sighted around the globe with the thought that they visit our planet to study our species and civilization before they eventually invade…but what if we’re wrong? What if they are only here to protect us? After a meteorite crashes to earth awakening the extraterrestrial creature within, a young woman is abducted by an alien “GRAY” to aide in hunting down and destroying the creature before it can reach a second meteorite that fell to earth decades earlier, unleashing its deadly infestation of earth.

“I like the story as it takes a different spin on how we see the “Grays” as an alien society and an extraterrestrial force for good instead of evil — one that could possibly save us and help us, because who knows what is really out there in the space beyond. I think that is exciting, the unknown and the possibilities that exist between this space of known and unknown,” said King.

King steals her scene in Gray Matter. Whether or not she survives, audiences will have to wait to find out.

“Even when in character, it can be a pretty terrifying experience being chased…,” said King. “My scream was so frightening that the sound guy was like, ‘that totally sounded like a real scream’,” said King.

King’s ample experience in award-winning horror films had previously impressed Gray Matter Writer/Director Greg Sager. The second the actress arrived on set, she was greatly impressed with Sager and the rest of the crew. She could tell he had a vision and she was happy to help him realize it.

“It was wonderful to have the opportunity to work with Greg and his team. You could definitely tell they’ve been working together for a while. And the team of people they brought onboard to make it all happen were so professional every step of the way,” said King.

Working on Gray Matter was an all-around fantastic experience for King, and she is excited for audiences to enjoy being fascinated, scared, and intrigued by this intelligently written story. Even in her audition, King was extremely committed to captivating her viewers.

“When I was auditioning, I needed to be fearful for my life, and so I screamed just like I would naturally if I was in that kind of situation. I guess I screamed so loud that the casting personnel outside the window came to the door to peer in and see if everything was ok. It was, of course, and we had a little giggle in the room about it,” she joked.

Be sure to check out Gray Matter at a theatre near you.

