Can God get DDoS’ed?

Alex Christodoulou
5 min readMay 10, 2020
Can the cloud service of God get DDoS’ed?

God lives on the cloud, and has a divine infrastructure to run His services. How safe is He though, against DDoS? Here’s a thorough technical analysis and potential vulnerabilities.

(This article is for those who know what a DDoS is. If not, read here.)

(This article has no intention to offend any religion, but can’t stop people from getting offended)

The Divine Architecture

In order to assess the vulnerability of God towards a DDoS attack, we first need to map the architecture of His services, as below:

It’s quite obvious that there’s a distributed architecture in order to satisfy the big and diverse demand of services. The four main modules (religions) are following their own unique distribution architecture, ranging from a plethoric micro-services approach of Hinduism to a monolithic approach of Buddhism.

Hinduists seem to get a good grasp of the Single Responsibility Pattern and Separation of Concerns, in contrast with Buddhism where all the workload is concentrated to one component until the High Priest Layer, to then be distributed to more in the Temple Layer.



Alex Christodoulou

Learnings from a technical founder. Co-founder and CTO of Weengs, Locish.