Attract Top Talent Through Competitive, Fact-Based Job Offers

Entrustech Inc
3 min readOct 11, 2023


In today’s job market, competition for top talent is fierce. As an employer, you need to make job offers that stand out and convince candidates to join your company. Simply matching compensation isn’t enough — you need to craft a complete offer that appeals to what candidates value most. According to a Robert Half survey, nearly 58% of workers say they’ve received two or more offers simultaneously when applying for jobs. So, how do employers ensure that their offer stands out in a crowded field? Let’s dive in.

Attract Top Talent Through Competitive, Fact-Based Job Offers
Attract Top Talent Through Competitive, Fact-Based Job Offers

Know Your Competition

Research what other employers in your industry and region are offering for similar roles. Look at salary ranges, benefits, perks, work arrangements, and other details. This market research will give you a baseline to work from.

Understanding Market Salaries

One of the most crucial steps is researching what a competitive salary looks like for the position you’re hiring. Websites like Glassdoor, PayScale, and can provide insights. Remember, underpaying can cost you the perfect candidate, while overpaying can strain your resources.

Get Insights From Candidates

During the interview process, ask candidates about their needs and priorities. What are they looking for in terms of compensation, benefits, work-life balance, opportunities for advancement, company culture, and more? Feedback will help you tailor offers.

Lead on Salary

Salary is still one of the top considerations for most candidates. To attract top talent, your base pay needs to be competitive or slightly above market rates. You can determine appropriate salary levels through market research and considering the candidate’s specific experience.

Offer Incentives

Incentives like signing bonuses, stock options, and performance bonuses can give your offer an extra edge. These show candidates you are invested in their success and want to reward results. Just be sure incentives align with your compensation philosophy.

Highlight Unique Perks

Flexible work schedules, generous paid time off, tuition assistance, gym memberships, and other perks play into decisions. Feature the perks that best resonate with target candidates and your company culture.

Sell Your Culture

A great corporate culture can be a major selling point. Showcase values, leadership, learning opportunities, work environment, and mission that make your company special. Candidates want to feel engaged and inspired.

Move Quickly

When you find an excellent candidate, move fast with an offer. Draw out the process too long and you risk losing top talent to another employer. Streamline and expedite hiring procedures.

Be Transparent

Clearly communicate details of the compensation package, benefits, work expectations, and advancement opportunities. Candidates want to make informed decisions about job offers.

Stay Flexible

Be open to negotiating on aspects of the offer like salary, start date, work location, and responsibilities. Some back-and-forth shows you want to find common ground.

Personalized Touches

Every candidate is unique, and recognizing that can make a world of difference. Tailoring parts of your offer to suit individual preferences or needs, whether it’s a specific workstation setup or acknowledgment of their personal achievements, can leave a lasting impression.

Feedback and Negotiation

Always leave room for feedback and negotiation. According to SHRM, 84% of employers expect candidates to negotiate. By being open and flexible, you signal to candidates that their voices are valued, setting a positive tone for future interactions.


Making competitive job offers is vital for recruiting and retaining top talent. Do your research, craft a compelling total package, and sell the elements that make your company a great place to work. With strategic offers, you can build an exceptional team.

Crafting a competitive job offer is both art and science. It’s about understanding market trends, acknowledging individual needs, and emphasizing the unique value proposition of your organization. In a world teeming with options, the right offer can be the beacon that guides top talent to your door. Remember, it’s not just about filling a position; it’s about forging a partnership that drives mutual growth.

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Entrustech Inc

Entrustech Inc. is in the business of People & Technology delivery.