How to Leverage IT for Sustainable Business Practices For A Greener Tomorrow

Entrustech Inc
4 min readOct 18, 2023


Environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly important for companies of all sizes. With climate change and resource scarcity looming, organizations are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and overall environmental impact. While there are many traditional approaches like reducing waste and energy use, companies shouldn’t overlook the power of information technology (IT) when it comes to “going green.” The thoughtful implementation of new IT systems and infrastructure can significantly improve sustainability across the board.

How to Leverage IT for Sustainable Business Practices For A Greener Tomorrow
How to Leverage IT for Sustainable Business Practices For A Greener Tomorrow

The World Economic Forum recognizes climate change as a top risk facing businesses globally. Yet, as we grapple with environmental concerns, Information Technology (IT) emerges as a beacon of hope. Here’s how businesses can wield the power of IT to pave a greener, more sustainable path.

1. Data Center Efficiency

Data centers, the nerve centers of the digital age, are known for their energy consumption. But with innovation, there’s a shift towards greener operations. A study by the Natural Resources Defense Council reveals that data centers could consume up to 140 billion kilowatt-hours annually by 2020. Making them energy efficient, through renewable energy sources and effective cooling methods, is paramount.

2. Cloud Computing: The Green Giant

Migrating to the cloud isn’t just cost-effective; it’s environmentally considerate. A report by Accenture found that businesses can achieve a net reduction in carbon footprints by up to 30% by adopting cloud services. By centralizing resources, we’re minimizing the environmental strain of countless on-site servers.

3. Implementing Green Software Algorithms

Software isn’t inherently energy-consuming; it’s the hardware running it that demands power. Research from the University of Bristol highlighted that energy-efficient software algorithms can reduce hardware energy consumption significantly. Optimized, lean coding can be a game-changer.

4. Telecommuting and Virtual Meetings

The less we travel, the smaller our carbon footprint. Tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams not only facilitate remote work but actively contribute to sustainability. The Carbon Trust estimates that if remote work levels doubled, annual CO2 emissions could be reduced by over 3 million tons in the UK alone.

5. Opt for Green Hardware

When procuring IT equipment, companies should opt for energy-efficient hardware. ENERGY STAR-rated devices, for instance, use 25% less energy than their counterparts. Multiply this by the number of devices in a company, and the savings — both monetary and environmental — are substantial.

6. Paperless Workflows

According to The World Counts, 4 billion trees are cut down annually for paper. Digital workflows reduce our reliance on paper. Tools that facilitate e-signatures, digital invoices, or online note-taking contribute towards a tangible reduction in deforestation.

7. Invest in IoT for Resource Management

The Internet of Things (IoT) can play a pivotal role in resource management. Smart sensors can monitor and optimize water usage in facilities or manage lighting to conserve energy. As per a report by Ericsson, IoT could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by up to 15% by 2030.

8. Employee Education and Training

Awareness is the first step towards change. By organizing training sessions on the importance of sustainable IT practices, companies can create a collective consciousness geared toward the environment.

9. Machine Learning & Automation

Technology can also make business operations more efficient through automation and modernization. Machine learning optimizes energy use and routing while predictive analytics proactively identifies maintenance issues. Paperless offices eliminate waste while blockchain streamlines supply chain traceability. Even small changes like using mobile devices instead of printed catalogs reduce paper waste. The latest IT innovations are mission-critical for reaching sustainability goals.

To Sum Up

Going green is not just altruistic — it also benefits the bottom line. According to MIT Sloan Management Review, sustainability-focused companies see greater financial returns. IT-enabled environmental initiatives also boost public reputation. Customers and young talent are more likely to engage companies that actively reduce emissions and waste. Sustainability programs are a differentiator.

With a thoughtful strategy, IT can significantly boost sustainability across any organization. Creative use of technology not only reduces direct environmental impact but also enables a culture focused on conservation. Companies who leverage IT to go green set themselves apart — both in the marketplace and in building a cleaner future for everyone.

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Entrustech Inc

Entrustech Inc. is in the business of People & Technology delivery.