Recruiting Remotely: How to Hire Top Tech Talent for Remote Roles

Entrustech Inc
3 min readOct 2, 2023


The shift to remote work over the past few years has opened up new opportunities for tech companies to access talent globally. While remote recruiting comes with some unique challenges, implementing the right strategies can help you build an exceptional remote team. Here are some tips:

Recruiting Remotely: How to Hire Top Tech Talent for Remote Roles
Recruiting Remotely: How to Hire Top Tech Talent for Remote Roles

Focus on async communication

Remote teams rely heavily on written communication over video meetings. Ensure your hiring process evaluates writing skills and the ability to communicate ideas clearly via docs, email, chat etc. You want team members who can work independently and keep projects moving via asynchronous collaboration.

Look for Proactiveness and Initiative

A Harvard Business Review study emphasized the importance of hiring self-starters for remote positions. Given the autonomy that comes with remote work, it’s essential that tech candidates are proactive, can manage their time, and take initiative when faced with challenges.

Cast a wide geographic net

One of the main benefits of remote work is being able to source talent beyond your physical location. Develop a recruiting plan that encompasses diverse geographic regions and think globally for the best hires.

Evaluate for remote fit

In addition to technical skills, assess candidates’ previous remote work experience, ability to self-manage, and comfort with remote collaboration tools. Soft skills are critical — communication, accountability and self-motivation are key.

Test Technical Abilities in Real-time

Platforms like Codility, HackerRank, and LeetCode allow candidates to showcase their coding skills during the interview process. These platforms offer a dual advantage: they validate the candidate’s technical prowess and provide a glimpse into their problem-solving approach.

Build a strong remote onboarding

The onboarding process needs extra attention for remote hires to ensure they feel connected and set up for success. Make introductions, provide mentors, ship welcome packages, conduct video tours…go above and beyond.

Invest in remote team building

Remote work can feel isolating, so building camaraderie amongst your team is important. Organize regular video hangouts, virtual watercooler chats, discussions channels etc. to foster relationships.

Re-engineer the interview process

Remote screening and interviews should focus on skills for remote environments. Include assessments of written communication, collaboration skills and vocal interviews to evaluate communication effectiveness.

Utilize Specialized Job Boards

Platforms like We Work Remotely, Remote OK, and Stack Overflow Jobs cater specifically to remote tech job seekers. Posting on such platforms not only increases visibility but also attracts candidates genuinely interested in remote roles.

Leverage Virtual Interviewing Tools

The use of tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype allows recruiters to assess candidates in real-time. According to a study by Zety, 47% of companies now use video interviews to hire long-term, full-time employees. Such tools not only provide a personal touch but can also gauge how comfortable candidates are with tech tools, a crucial aspect for remote roles.

Highlight Growth and Learning Opportunities

A Digital Ocean report stated that 89% of developers believe continuous learning is crucial. When recruiting, emphasize the opportunities for growth, upskilling, and learning within your organization, even if it’s remote. This not only attracts talent but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

Foster a Strong Remote Culture

Showcasing a strong remote work culture can be a game-changer. Potential hires are more likely to join organizations where remote work is not just an afterthought but an ingrained part of the ethos. Glassdoor found that 79% of job seekers consider company culture before applying for a job.


Overall, a successful remote hiring strategy requires evaluating for skills tailored to distributed work and investing in processes that facilitate connection, engagement and a strong remote work culture. The payoff is access to an incredible diversity of specialized talent unbounded by physical location. For tech leaders ready to embrace the future of work, building a stellar remote team starts with the right recruiting approach.

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Entrustech Inc

Entrustech Inc. is in the business of People & Technology delivery.