The True Total Costs: An Objective Analysis of In-House vs. Outsourced IT

Entrustech Inc
4 min readNov 7, 2023

When it comes to managing a company’s IT needs, one of the biggest decisions is whether to keep IT in-house or outsource it to an IT services provider. Both options come with distinct advantages and disadvantages that impact the bottom line in different ways. In this blog post, we’ll break down the key financial considerations to help you determine which approach makes the most economic sense for your business.

The True Total Costs: An Objective Analysis of In-House vs. Outsourced IT
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Personnel Costs

One of the biggest line items is the cost of staffing an in-house IT department. At a minimum, you need at least one IT generalist on staff to handle day-to-day tech support and maintenance. For larger companies, a full in-house IT staff requires network administrators, security specialists, application developers, database managers, and other roles to handle specialized needs. Factor in competitive salaries, health insurance, training, and other employee overhead.

With outsourced IT, you pay a fixed monthly fee to an IT services provider that covers the staffing and expertise you need. This allows you to scale up or down as your needs change without the overhead of hiring and managing an in-house team. The service provider beneficially handles staffing adjustments for you.

Equipment Expenses

Maintaining an in-house IT infrastructure also requires substantial investments in hardware and software. Servers, routers, PCs, productivity software, security tools, and other IT infrastructure elements can cost tens of thousands upfront. Then there’s keeping everything up-to-date through future upgrades and license renewals.

Outsourced providers leverage economies of scale to optimize infrastructure costs across many clients. The monthly fee covers maintained equipment and software customized to your needs. This converts hefty upfront capital expenditures into more manageable ongoing operating expenses.

Focus on Core Business

There are also indirect costs to weighing down in-house staff with IT support duties. Every hour spent maintaining servers or troubleshooting tech issues is time not spent on core functions that drive revenue and growth. This lack of focus can stifle innovation and strategic initiatives.

With outsourced IT, your staff is free to focus on business-critical activities and processes that increase productivity and the bottom line. The outsourced provider effectively becomes your IT department, handling technical duties so you can allocate your resources more efficiently.

Access to Expertise

An in-house IT generalist often lacks specialized expertise in key areas like security, compliance, disaster recovery, and emerging technologies. Outsourced providers keep up with the latest IT advances and best practices to deliver services and support tailored to your changing needs. You gain access to expertise and skill sets that may be challenging and costly to develop and maintain in-house.


As your business grows, so does your IT workload and support demands. With in-house staff, you must proactively hire and train additional people to handle the increased workload. Outsourcing offers built-in scalability to flexibly align with your needs. The service provider shoulders the burden of scaling up staff, resources, and capabilities so you don’t have to.

Here are some examples of how businesses have benefited from outsourcing their IT:

  • A small business with 10 employees was able to save $10,000 per year by outsourcing its IT to a third-party vendor.
  • A medium-sized business with 50 employees was able to improve its IT security by outsourcing its IT to a third-party vendor with expertise in cybersecurity.
  • A large enterprise with 10,000 employees was able to reduce its IT costs by 20% by outsourcing its IT to a third-party vendor.

In summary, outsourcing can effectively shift substantial capital expenditures to more controllable operating expenses. The calculus clearly changes depending on your business’ size, IT needs and budget threshold. But for many small to mid-size companies, outsourcing provides access to enterprise-level IT capabilities for a fraction of the cost of developing comparable in-house competencies and infrastructure. Carefully weighing these factors can help determine the most prudent and cost-effective approach.

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Entrustech Inc

Entrustech Inc. is in the business of People & Technology delivery.