What Job Seekers Really Want: Insights from Surveys

Entrustech Inc
3 min readNov 6, 2023


The job market is constantly changing, and so are the needs and desires of job seekers. To attract and retain top talent, employers need to understand what job seekers are looking for in a job.

Several surveys have been conducted in recent years to learn more about what job seekers really want. The results of these surveys can provide valuable insights for employers who are looking to improve their recruitment and retention strategies.

What Job Seekers Really Want: Insights from Surveys
Image by Freepik

Key Findings

Here are some of the key findings from recent surveys on what job seekers really want:

Competitive salary and benefits

Salary and benefits are still the top priorities for most job seekers. According to a recent CareerBuilder survey, 78% of job seekers said that salary is the most important factor in deciding whether to accept a job offer.

Work-life balance

Work-life balance is also a top priority for job seekers, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. A recent LinkedIn survey found that 51% of job seekers said that work-life balance is their top career goal.

Job security

Job security is another important factor for job seekers, especially in uncertain economic times. A recent Indeed survey found that 58% of job seekers said that job security is very important to them when choosing a job.

Career growth opportunities

Job seekers want to feel like they are growing and developing in their careers. A recent Glassdoor survey found that 74% of job seekers said that career growth opportunities are very important to them when choosing a job.

Positive work culture

Job seekers want to work in a positive and supportive environment. A recent Deloitte survey found that 86% of job seekers said that a positive work culture is important to them.


Here are some examples of how employers can meet the needs of job seekers:

Offer competitive salaries and benefits

Employers should benchmark their salaries and benefits against the market to ensure that they are offering competitive packages. Employers should also consider offering flexible benefits options, such as the ability to choose between different health insurance plans or to take paid time off for family and medical reasons.

Promote work-life balance

Employers can promote work-life balance by offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flextime. Employers can also offer employee assistance programs and other resources to help employees manage stress and work-life balance.

Provide job security

Employers can provide job security by offering competitive salaries and benefits, investing in employee training and development, and creating a positive work culture. Employers should also be transparent about their plans for the future and communicate regularly with employees about changes that may impact their jobs.

Offer career growth opportunities

Employers can offer career growth opportunities by providing employees with opportunities for training and development, offering mentorship programs, and giving employees opportunities to take on new challenges. Employers should also have regular career conversations with employees to discuss their career goals and development plans.

Create a positive work culture

Employers can create a positive work culture by promoting respect, diversity, and inclusion. Employers should also encourage employees to collaborate and socialize with each other.


By understanding what job seekers really want, employers can improve their recruitment and retention strategies. Employers who offer competitive salaries and benefits, promote work-life balance, provide job security, offer career growth opportunities, and create a positive work culture will be more likely to attract and retain top talent.

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Entrustech Inc

Entrustech Inc. is in the business of People & Technology delivery.