128 Technology signs LOI for advanced networking cooperation

2 min readJan 11, 2018


128 Technology president Sue Graham Johnston & Envion CEO Matthias Woestmann

Envion has signed an LOI with Boston-based 128 Technology to provide next-generation network technology for envion’s MMUs. The company’s software-based approach provides intelligent IP routing that reduces bandwidth and latency while providing added security and more efficient authentication for network traffic. This partnership could allow envion to mine more effectively from power plant locations with limited network capacity.

“Envion provides a great use case for the 128T Networking Platform which can meet envion’s specialized needs for security and quality of service within the constraints for bandwidth and latency constituent with operating Mobile Mining Units in remote areas,” said president Sue Graham Johnston.

Typical customers for the fast-growing company include global retailers looking to reduce massive transaction bandwidth costs as well as globally distributed industrial companies transmitting mission-critical data from very remote locations. Particularly interesting to envion is the ability to utilize 128 Technology’s networking innovations without making any changes to Mobile Mining Unit hardware or design.




The Swiss Cantonal Court of Zug has dissolved envion AG and ordered its liquidation. Official information can be found on https://www.envion-konkurs.ch/