Envion Finds the $30+ Million USD Answer to the Godzilla-like Carbon Footprint of the Blockchain Industry

Envion is set to revolutionize the crypto mining industry after raising over $30,000,000 in the first weekend of it’s initial coin offering (ICO).

3 min readDec 22, 2017

More than 15,000 investors from numerous countries have already taken part in the ICO, signaling significant global interest in envion’s highly scalable and green approach to revolutionize the cryptomining infrastructure.

The ICO comes on the heels of a record breaking campaign that resulted in: more than 130,000 pre-sale registrations, 14,000+ Telegram group members, 40,000+ Facebook likes, and more than 2 million website visits within 4 weeks time. In a month, envion became the fastest growing ICO to date.

With its mobile mining units (MMU), envion is addressing the massive carbon footprint of blockchain and the renewables’ oversupply dilemma. One of the biggest issues in the renewable energy world is the huge amount of excess energy production that cannot be fed into the grid. Installing their MMUs directly at sources of renewable energy overcapacities, envion provides not only a profitable option to renewable energy producers for their excess production but also reduces the hefty carbon footprint of the mining operations. This makes envion the most sustainable concept in the cryptomining industry while also making its mining operations even more profitable by taking advantage of the lowest energy costs available.

To boost profitability for investors, envion has created an investment model based on dividend payouts from mining profits and collaborates with strategic partners to secure attractive returns on investments. One of these partner offers will give envion access to a combined capacity of over 1000 MW for mobile mining operations. The company is currently in partnership negotiations with several other big partners, who will be announced upon official release of signed LOIs.

Envion’s team consists of highly skilled members ranging from blockchain and energy experts to finance and marketing specialists. The team recently got extended by different expert advisors, as for example Prof. Friedbert Pflüger, an energy expert who served as Director of the European Centre of Energy and Resource Security (EUCERS) at King’s College, London. Additionally, the team collaborates with blockchain advisors and engineering experts for its mining operations and its MMU mass production.

Envion’s ICO is live and open for investors until January 14 with discounts until December 28. The bigger the community grows, the greater the returns become. Individuals interested in taking part should read up on the whitepaper, which explains every aspect of the project. As support for their investors, envion has created detailed guides on how to invest in EVN tokens and what investors need to prepare before making an investment.

The EVN token sale is open through envion’s website www.envion.org until mid January.

For more information on the envion concept, its highly specialized team and the running ICO, visit envion’s website or have a look at the team members on LinkedIn.




The Swiss Cantonal Court of Zug has dissolved envion AG and ordered its liquidation. Official information can be found on https://www.envion-konkurs.ch/