Envion’s Talks With Wind and Solar Power Providers get More and More Concrete As Local Electricity Prices Hit Record Lows

Solar power and wind as cheap sources of energy is finally becoming a reality. The trend towards record-low energy costs is where we are heading in the future. Although we are unable to reveal who, Envion is currently in talks with wind and solar power providers who will have access to record-low cheap electricity.

3 min readNov 19, 2017

According to an article by Electrek, the cheapest electricity on the planet currently is Mexican solar power at 1.77 cents per kWh. There are even suggestions of possibly hitting a record 1 cent per kWh in 2019 or even sooner. The news outlet quoted a press release from the Centro Nacional de Control de Energia (Cenace) of Mexico. The department stated that during its Third Long Term Auction, it has received bids for 3TWh of solar electricity, including lowest bids of 1.77 cents per kWh from Italian multinational ENEL Green Power. This is the lowest pricing we’ve seen for electricity, even topping 1.79 cents per kWh from Saudi Arabia.

According to Electrek, “ENEL won bids on four projects total with tariffs of 1.77¢, 1.77¢, 1.94¢ and 1.80¢/kWh. The projects were sized 167MW, 122MW, 277MW and 116MW, respectively — totaling 682MW total. These four bids are the two lowest, and 4th/5th lowest bids ever for solar power projects.” Fifteen bids were accepted from seven other wind and solar power companies in the auction, including ENGIE, Mitsui, Trina and Canadian Solar. The article continued, “The average bid price of all 5.5TWh of power of wind and solar, totaling 2.3GW of capacity, was 2.05¢/kWh.”

Electrek writer John Fitzgerald Weaver said he believes that in 2019 “we’re going to see 1 cent per kWh from a solar power project — and this low price will be primarily driven by increasing solar panel efficiencies.” Weaver then posed the question, “What will we do with all of this cheap energy???”

Envion has the perfect answer to this question. We believe the ideal way to address the overcapacities of cheap energy is with Envion’s mobile mining units. Places with groundbreakingly cheap electricity costs like Mexico is where we expect to see our mobile mining units utilized. We are on our way to accessing this energy. Satellite-connected modular crypto-mining units transform energy into crypto assets right at the source. These mobile mining units are readily deployable right into parks to “convert” these overcapacities into real value. Envion’s mobile mining units access low-priced electricity at its source. Even the smallest overcapacity at a decentral transformer station (>50 KW) can be efficiently used by the units.

Envion’s Mobile Mining Unit generating 161% ROI

Envion is paying incredibly close attention to regions where cheap electricity is available.

Envion’s mobile mining units are “plug-and-play” ready for deployment upon connection to standard 32A power lines at any energy source and start mining within three minutes. For this reason, they can access the world’s lowest priced energy sources in places like Mexico, Chile, India, Norway, Spain, California, Iceland etc. There is a significant expansion of new photovoltaic plants worldwide, which results in unprecedented local overcapacities, as well as very low, decreasing feed-in tariffs for the power-plant owners, forcing some of them to work unprofitable at rates below 0.02 USD/kWh. We pay power plants and other energy hubs slightly MORE for letting us use their otherwise unused local overcapacities and parts of their generated cheap renewable energy, combined with small amounts of regular grid energy at nights.

Learn more about Envion on our website. Join the Envion ICO and participate in our growing mining operation on December 15 here.




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