Ho to add EVN Tokens on MEW and MetaMask

1 min readDec 16, 2017


A short instruction guide to custom add your EVN tokens.

How to custom add EVN Token on MEW

  • Login to your MyEtherWallet.com account (CHECK CERTIFICATE!)
  • Press “Add Custom Token (bottom right side)

…and fill out with the following info:

Token Contract Address: 0xd780ae2bf04cd96e577d3d014762f831d97129d0

Token Symbol: EVN

Decimals: 18

After that, you only need to press “Load Tokens” whenever you want to see your EVN Tokens!

How to custom add EVN Token on MetaMask

  • Login to your MetaMask Plugin
  • Press “Tokens” and then “Add Token”

…and fill out with the following info:

Token Address: 0xd780ae2bf04cd96e577d3d014762f831d97129d0

Token Symbol: EVN

Decimals: 18

and press ok. (possibly with the address the ENV and decimals will fill in automatically)


Thanks to Andreas for the short instructions guide :))





The Swiss Cantonal Court of Zug has dissolved envion AG and ordered its liquidation. Official information can be found on https://www.envion-konkurs.ch/