The world’s most cost-efficient, self-expanding mining infrastructure!

As Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies become increasingly lucrative for investors and token holders, the crypto-universe has become ever more packed with miners and mining operations getting in on the action.

2 min readNov 23, 2017

So what separates ENVION from other mining operations on the market today? Why are ENVION and its global fleet of mobile mining units (MMUs) so special compared to the competition?

Two factors in particular distinguish ENVION and its cutting-edge strategy from its numerous competitors.

For one, ENVION has set out to be the world’s most cost-efficient crypto-mining operation. ENVION’s fleet of MMUs have been designed to be deployed at renewable energy plants and other places with cheap- / excess energy anywhere in the world.

ENVION can send its MMUs to be stationed within hours wherever energy costs are lowest. This mobility ensures ENVION’s MMUs can always access the cheapest green electricity directly at its source, anywhere in the world.

ENVION’s mining operations are thus powered with the most affordable electricity on the market, rendering them highly cost efficient. And given the many unused overcapacities that exist at renewable plants and large industrial businesses today, there is no shortage of stable and affordable power sources for ENVION to choose from.

This highly efficient cost structure feeds into the second advantage ENVION holds over its competitors — it’s self-expanding!

The growth of traditional mining operations is often hindered by the fact that they are often not scalable. Unstable power supplies can also create problems by throwing another layer of uncertainty over the operation, further impeding growth, as well as governmental regulations/restrictions that may appear in the future.

But the nature of ENVION’s cost-efficient energy infrastructure means its fleets of MMUs can continue to expand exponentially without being hampered by rising or unstable electricity costs.

Other mining operations likewise see their expansion held back by a lack of adequate hardware. But here too, ENVION has found ways to power its operations with efficient — and readily available — low-cost hardware.

As a result, ENVION is able to scale its operations ad infinitum by reinvesting a portion of the profits from each individual mining unit in the construction of additional MMUs.

Take a look at ENVION’s crowd sale beginning Dec. 15th, 2017:




The Swiss Cantonal Court of Zug has dissolved envion AG and ordered its liquidation. Official information can be found on