What Makes The Envion Token Different From Any Other Token?

The first and foremost factor that makes Envion’s token (EVN) different from any other token available is that Envion is solving a real-life problem.

3 min readNov 20, 2017

Prior to the boom of cryptocurrency mining, mining was well-distributed among only a couple of thousand private miners, all of whom were governed by clear rules. These miners were not making a significant impact on the environment because the energy required was miniscule. But everything has changed; the exponential growth of cryptocurrencies has led to a dramatic increase in the sector’s energy consumption and a concentration of mining activities in countries with low social and environmental standards — where electricity is produced using predominantly fossil fuels. The concentration of mining power has now fallen into the hands of several large corporations — this is completely opposed to the formerly democratic decision-making process in these networks. Changes in protocols and hard forks are in danger of being influenced by the economic interests of a few. In addition, as mining becomes more centralized, the industry is becoming plagued with unstable power supply, hardware shortage, governmental issues, immobility, and electricity price fluctuation.

But finally and fortunately, solar panel prices have been collapsing as of late. And solar energy prices have been following suit. There is an exponential growth of unused overcapacities. This is exactly what Envion’s mobile mining units will access at its source. Envion has developed a system of units that can tap electricity directly at the source: at hydro, solar, wind and fossil power plants in every corner of the planet.

The units are based on standard intermodal sea containers, equipped with mining hardware, communication and industry 4.0 automation features, remote control capabilities and a break-through cooling system that only makes up ~1% of the system’s total energy consumption. It’s a high-tech solution that can be seamlessly deployed globally and allows us to use the cleanest and cheapest energy mix wherever it is available.

Due to the transportability and flexibility of the mobile mining unit system, Envion is able to fuse two of the most important sectors of the 21st century: blockchain technology and renewable energy. Using the dynamics of exponential growth for both, Envion promotes climate preservation and the welfare of our token holders. A robust and decentralized system can withstand disruptions in government policies, price structures and the energy supply.

The Envion token is fully backed by its hardware. The hardware value is growing continuously through reinvestment. The dividend payout of the Envion token is growing exponentially, fueling value growth. Due to our massive scaling potential, there is almost no limit for increase of payouts and token-value. More capital raised leads to lower production and management costs, causing the token to become even more valuable. 35% of Envion’s earnings of Envion-managed containers purchased by third parties, will flow additionally into the token as well.

The EVN token is an ERC-20 standard-based Ethereum token. EVN tokens grant their holders the right to receive 100% of the profits of our proprietary mining operation in two steps: 75% paid out immediately and then 25% reinvested to boost future payouts. They also grant their holders the right to receive 35% of Envion’s earnings with third-party operations as well as voting and veto in important decisions of the company’s strategy.

Tokens will be offered for 31 days only, starting on December 1st, 2017 and ending on December 31st, 2017.

Pre-Sale with 30% discount on the EVN Token (0.70$ instead of 1$) starts on Dec 15th at 12 PM GMT for 48 hours ONLY!

Learn more about Envion on our website. Join the Envion ICO and participate in our growing mining operation on December 15 here.




The Swiss Cantonal Court of Zug has dissolved envion AG and ordered its liquidation. Official information can be found on https://www.envion-konkurs.ch/