Sunglasses in Calgary : Tips for Maintaining Your Frames and Lenses

Envi Optical
5 min readMay 3, 2024

You’ve just picked up your new glasses — stylish, sleek, and perfect for your everyday wear. But as time goes on, you start noticing tiny scratches on the lenses and the frames feeling a bit loose.

It’s a common issue, but with the right care, you can keep your glasses looking sharp and feeling comfortable.

This article will provide you with simple tips to maintain your frames and lenses, ensuring they remain in top condition for clear vision every day.

Sunglasses in Calgary

Handle with Care

Proper handling is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your sunglasses in Calgary.

Always use both hands when putting on or removing your glasses to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on one side of the frame, which can lead to misalignment or bending.

When not in use, store your glasses in a sturdy case to protect them from accidental drops or knocks.

Avoid placing your glasses face down on hard surfaces, as this can scratch the lenses and damage the frames. By handling your glasses with care, you can prolong their lifespan and keep them looking their best.

Clean Regularly

Regular cleaning is essential for keeping your lenses clear and free from smudges and dirt.

Use a mild soap or lens cleaner and lukewarm water to gently clean the lenses, taking care to avoid using hot water or harsh chemicals that can damage the lens coatings.

After cleaning, dry your glasses with a soft, lint-free cloth to prevent scratching. Regular cleaning not only ensures clear vision but also helps maintain the optical quality of your lenses.

Avoid Heat and Sunlight

Exposure to heat and direct sunlight can damage your glasses over time. Avoid leaving your glasses in hot cars or near heat sources, as this can cause the frames to warp and the lenses to crack.

Additionally, prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause the lens coatings to deteriorate, affecting their performance.

Store your glasses in a cool, dry place when not in use to protect them from heat and sunlight. By protecting your glasses from extreme temperatures, you can prolong their lifespan and ensure optimal performance.

Store Properly

Proper storage is essential for protecting your glasses from damage when not in use.

Use a clean, sturdy case to store your glasses, and make sure the case is free from debris that could scratch the lenses.

Avoid storing your glasses in places where they can be easily knocked over or stepped on, as this can cause damage to the frames or lenses. By storing your glasses properly, you can protect them from accidental damage and ensure they are ready to use when you need them.


Proper fit is essential for comfortable and effective use of your glasses. If your glasses feel loose or uncomfortable, they may need to be adjusted.

Visit your optometrist or an optical professional to have your glasses adjusted properly. Ill-fitting glasses can cause discomfort and may not provide the correct vision correction.

By ensuring your glasses fit properly, you can enjoy clear vision and comfortable wear.

Avoid Water Damage

Water can damage your glasses, especially if it gets inside the frames. Remove your glasses before swimming or showering to prevent water from getting trapped inside the frames.

If your glasses get wet, dry them immediately with a soft, lint-free cloth. Additionally, avoid using harsh chemicals or alcohol-based cleaners to clean your glasses, as these can damage the lens coatings.

By taking care to protect your glasses from water damage, you can ensure they remain in good condition for longer.

Use a Microfiber Cloth

Use a clean, soft microfiber cloth to clean your glasses. This type of cloth is gentle on the lenses and won’t scratch or damage them.

Avoid using paper towels or tissues, as these can leave lint and scratches on the lenses. Regular cleaning with a microfiber cloth can help keep your glasses clean and free from dirt and smudges, ensuring clear vision and optimal performance.

Regular Check-ups

Regular check-ups with your optometrist are essential for maintaining the health of your eyes and ensuring your glasses are in good condition.

Your optometrist can check your vision and prescription to ensure your glasses are providing the correct correction. Additionally, they can check for signs of damage or wear and recommend any necessary repairs or adjustments.

By scheduling regular check-ups, you can ensure your glasses are in good condition and your vision is clear.

Avoid Abrasive Materials

When cleaning your glasses, avoid using abrasive materials that can scratch the lenses or damage the coatings.

Stick to using a mild soap or lens cleaner and a soft, lint-free cloth to clean your glasses gently.

Avoid using harsh chemicals or alcohol-based cleaners, as these can damage the lens coatings and affect their performance. By using gentle cleaning methods, you can keep your glasses clean and free from damage.

Be Mindful of Activities

When engaging in activities that could damage your glasses, such as sports or heavy lifting, consider wearing protective eyewear.

Protective eyewear can help prevent damage to your glasses, ensuring they remain in good condition for longer. Additionally, be mindful of how you handle your glasses during activities to avoid accidental damage.

By taking precautions during activities, you can protect your glasses from damage and ensure they remain in good condition.

Final Thoughts

Caring for your eyeglasses is essential for maintaining clear vision and prolonging the life of your frames and lenses.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your glasses remain in excellent condition and provide you with optimal vision correction.

Regular cleaning and proper storage can help prevent scratches and damage, while adjustments and check-ups with your optometrist can ensure that your glasses fit well and provide the correct prescription. Additionally, being mindful of how you handle your glasses during activities and avoiding exposure to heat and sunlight can help protect them from damage.

For all your eyeglass needs, visit Envi Optical. Our experienced opticians can help you find the perfect frames and lenses for your style and prescription. Schedule an appointment today to experience the Envi Optical difference.



Envi Optical

Explore a wide range of stylish & high quality sunglasses in Calgary at Envi Optical. Visit our official website now or call us directly.