3 min readJul 8, 2022

All around the world we are unable to escape the devastating effects of plastic bottle pollution, even though as consumers we have the ability to save our money and also our environment. It takes up to 8 years to spend the equivalent on filling up at a tap to purchasing a bottle of water.


On average each individual consumes 13 plastic bottles per month. Meaning by purchasing a reusable bottle you can save 156 plastic bottles annually. Not only a huge waste impact but also a great cost to you the consumer.

The average cost of the most popular bottled water in Australia is $1.65 per 600ml bottle

1 Bottle, 3 x Per Week (13 Per Month), x 52 weeks = 156 Bottles Annually Per Person

156 x $1.65 = $257.40 Average Spend on Bottles Per Year

1 x Unlimited use, unlimited ml’s Envirocask bottle = $30

= Saving 156 single use plastic bottles
= Yearly saving of $227.40

Globally we buy 1 million plastic bottles per minute. 65% of all plastic bottles are not recycled. Without a change in behaviour it is estimated 500,000,000,000 plastic bottles will be sold in 2021.

Australians purchase about 118,000 tonnes of plastic drink bottles a year with 76,700 that are not recycled and end up either in landfill or our waterways. Plastic bottle tops are not recyclable at all, and as with plastic bags they often end up at the bottom of the ocean and in the stomachs of many animal species that mistake them for food.

Plastic bottles contain BPA the chemical used to make the plastic hard and clear. BPA has been proven to be hazardous to human health and has been strongly linked to health problems including certain types of cancer, neurological difficulties & reduced fertility in women. All Envirocask bottles are 100% BPA free.

It’s such an easy decision and very hard to understand how people can continue to be oblivious to the devastating impact purchasing these plastic bottles has. Plastic bottle rubbish is everywhere we look, it’s time to start being accountable for our waste impact and cutting out these purchases is a great place to start. Your choices can make a difference and will influence others to follow in a lifestyle choice that allows our planet to retain it’s health. The first step to a healthy planet is saying no to plastic bottles!

By Cordie

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