Dispersion Modeling: Aermod Modeling Los Angeles

4 min readApr 17, 2023


Air pollution is a big concern in many cities, and Los Angeles is no exception. With a population of over 10 million people and several vehicles on the roads, The city is confronting very difficulties in air pollution. One tool that has proven effective in predicting and controlling air pollution is dispersion modeling. Now, we will explore Dispersion Modeling and how it works to Stop air pollution in Los Angeles.

What is Dispersion Modeling?

Dispersion Modeling is a technique used to predict how pollutants will disperse in the atmosphere. It is based on mathematical equations and computer simulations that take into account a wide range of variables such as wind speed, temperature, humidity, and terrain features. The goal of Dispersion Modeling is to determine the concentration of pollutants in the air at different locations and times and to identify areas where these concentrations exceed acceptable levels.

How is Dispersion Modeling Used in Los Angeles?

Los Angeles is home to several industries that emit significant amounts of pollutants into the air. These industries include oil refineries, power plants, and transportation facilities. To ensure that these emissions do not pose a threat to public health, the city of Los Angeles requires companies to obtain permits that specify emission limits and require monitoring of emissions.

Dispersion modeling plays a crucial role in the permitting process. Companies need to conduct dispersion modeling studies to demonstrate compliance with emission limits and to identify potential areas of concern. These studies are typically conducted using a computer model known as Aermod.

Aermod Modeling

Aermod is a widely utilised dispersion model that was developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Its primary objective is to simulate the movement and dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere, an extensive range of distances, and time scales. The model is designed to be encompassing, taking into account a wide range of atmospheric conditions such as wind speed, temperature, humidity, and terrain features. It is a powerful tool that can accurately predict the dispersion of pollutants from a variety of sources, including industrial facilities, transportation sources, and wildfires.

Aermod modeling is known for its exceptional precision, which is a result of the model’s comprehensive and detailed approach. The model factors in an extensive range of parameters, including the source of pollutants, their emission rates, and the surrounding meteorological conditions, to generate an exact prediction of the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. This model has been extensively used in environmental science for several years and has been acknowledged for its effectiveness in predicting and controlling air pollution. Its versatility, precision, and all-encompassing approach make it a widely used and trusted model in the field of environmental science.

Aermod Modeling in Los Angeles

Aermod modeling is a tool used by regulatory agencies in Los Angeles to evaluate the impact of emissions from industrial sources. The model is used to predict the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere and to determine the concentration of pollutants at different locations and times. The reason for the modeling is used to evaluate the potential health risks associated with the emissions and to identify areas where mitigation measures may be necessary.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) is responsible for evaluating the health impacts of air pollution in the area. The department uses Aermod modeling to evaluate the potential health risks associated with emissions from industrial facilities, transportation sources, and other sources of pollution.

Benefits of Aermod Modeling

There are several benefits to using Aermod modeling in the evaluation of air pollution in Los Angeles:

1. Accurate Predictions: Aermod modeling provides accurate predictions of the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. It helps regulatory agencies to identify potential areas of concern and to develop appropriate mitigation measures.

2. Cost-Effective: Aermod modeling is a cost-effective tool for evaluating air pollution. It allows regulatory agencies to evaluate the potential health impacts of emissions without the need for expensive and time-consuming field studies.

3. Transparency: Aermod modeling is a transparent process that allows stakeholders to understand how air pollution is evaluated and how mitigation measures are developed.

4. Regulatory Compliance: Aermod modeling is an essential tool for regulatory compliance. Companies need to conduct dispersion modeling studies to demonstrate compliance with emission limits and to identify potential areas of concern.


Air pollution is a significant challenge in many cities, including Los Angeles. Dispersion Modeling is an effective tool for predicting and controlling air pollution. Aermod modeling is a widely used dispersion model that provides accurate predictions of the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. It is a cost-effective and transparent tool that helps regulatory agencies to identify potential areas of concern and to develop appropriate mitigation measures. Dispersion modeling is a valuable tool for predicting and controlling air pollution, and it will continue to play a critical role in protecting public health and the environment.

