The healthy type of peer pressure

How public accountability helps me get shit done.

Nicole Williams
2 min readJun 26, 2016

When I want to do something, but I'm not sure if I can, I have a trick to help improve my chances of success. I employ peer pressure.

The same social dynamic that lead me to make poor choices as a teenager, has the exact opposite affect now my brain has matured somewhat.

It's real
There's a huge difference between an idea in your head and one you've put out in public.

It stops being hypothetical and suddenly becomes real. You've taken a step forward by verbalising it to someone else.

"The real magic is in making the intangible idea, the creative impulse, manifest and live in our reality." ~ Mark Ryan

When I was as thinking about starting a meetup, I put the idea out on Twitter. It was scary to share it so early in the process but it sparked interest from others. Before I knew it I had a group of helpers to make the idea a reality. The Wellington Marketing Meetup has now being for a year and over 500 marketers are involved.

A word of warning, research has shown that if you share a goal, you get a positive feeling of "social reality" which can make it less likely you’ll achieve your goal. You’ll get a boost from simply sharing the idea. Peer pressure works better if you share on a regular basis.

It’s encouraging
I have a friend who is writing his first book and sharing his progress on Facebook. They’re short updates detailing his process and word count. We can keep with his progress and offer support.

You might sometimes meet with resistance and concerns. Well meaning people warn you it will be too hard or too difficult. Peer pressure works best when you find your cheerleaders. Mine are on Twitter.

No excuses
It's easy to tell yourself that something can wait until tomorrow. The excuses that sound rational, justifiable and intelligent, fall to pieces when we verbalise them to others.

You don’t want to let others down
In reality, other people probably don’t care if I follow through on my ideas. But promising others means a lot to me. I pride myself on being the type of person who does what they say they will. Fear of letting others down, by letting myself down, is a powerful motivator for me.

I’m attempting to write every day for a year. I’m two weeks in and will be sharing here, on the Leading Ladies blog and Tech Marketer. Please follow or leave a message to add a little bit of healthy peer pressure to keep me going!



Nicole Williams

Head of Product @TradeMe. Prev Head of Product @SilverStripe. Marketing blogger and podcaster at, everything else lands here.