E. C. Hannah
2 min readOct 11, 2022


What if tomorrow, I close my eyes in death?
What if my earthly sojourn's end is closer than I think?
What will be my legacy in this world of flesh and blood?
Would I go content or slip out unnoticed?
Would I remembered by those left behind
Or would I wish to return and the clock's hand unwind?

What if tomorrow, you breathe your last?
What if your thoughts and dreams are anything but a blast?
What will others recollect as a memory of you?
A sunny achiever or a dreary unassuming persona?

Is it me or is life only a short phase
In our sole journey through eternity?
Is it still me or do most make nothing of it
Nothing of this singular opportunity to do something worthwhile?

If I had just one last chance
What gift would I leave the world?
Would it be a couple of words
Written out in poetic verse or mere fiction?
Would it be a verse of song
Left behind in audio or video format?

Would it be my signature smile
Drowning out all vile thoughts?
Would it be a solemn prayer
That souls be saved and lives be touched?
Or would it be content for others
Pointing them to the One True Christ?

If you had just one moment more,
What would you spend it doing?

And our Lord says, "Go and do thou likewise."

©E. C. Hannah

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