Navigating Social Media Dynamics: Insights and Strategies for Social Buzz

Atulukwu Sunday
5 min readApr 1, 2024


Social Buzz Dashboard

Social Buzz is a fast growing technology unicorn that need to adapt quickly to it’s global scale. Accenture has begun a 3 month POC focusing on these tasks:

  • An audit of Social Buzz’s big data practice
  • Recommendations for a successful IPO
  • Analysis to find Social Buzz’s top most popular categories of content.

As an analyst, I was tasked with the 3rd agenda.

In the fast-paced realm of social media, staying abreast of trends and user behavior is paramount for content creators and marketers alike. In this analysis, I delve into an analysis of key metrics and trends spanning the years 2020-2021, offering actionable insights and strategic recommendations for Social Buzz to harness the power of social media effectively.

Three raw datasets were provided by Social Buzz via Accenture North America on "Reactions," "ReactionTypes," and "Content." These datasets contains information related to social media interactions, including user reactions, types of reactions, and content details.

Raw Data on Reactions
Raw data on ReactionTypes
Raw data on Content

The data set were loaded up on the Microsoft Excel sheet and underwent a cleaning process to enhance their usability and reliability.
- Unwanted columns were removed from each dataset to streamline the data.
- Columns were formatted properly into appropriate string types to ensure consistency and accuracy in the data representation.

Cleaned Data for ReactionTypes
Cleaned Data for Content
Cleaned Data for Reactions

The cleaned datasets were imported into Power Query Editor for further refinement and transformation.


- Headers were properly formatted to improve readability and ease of understanding.
- The datasets were merged into a single file using Power Query Editor. This merging process is analogous to creating relationships between different datasets, enabling cohesive analysis and insights.

Merging of the Content to the Reactions using the Content ID
Merging of the ReactionTypes to the Reactions using the type column

With the merged dataset, various insights can be derived such, popular content types based on reactions received, Identification of the most common reaction types and their distribution across different content, Examination of trends over time in terms of user engagement and reaction frequency and Comparison of reaction patterns across different content categories, amongst other.

Merged file

The merged dataset was saved and then imported into Power BI for visualization.

Merged dataset
Merged Dataset

In another way, the cleaned datasets were imported into Power BI, where relationships were established among them, facilitating data analysis and visualization.

Relationship between the three datasets

Power BI offers robust tools for creating visually appealing and interactive reports and dashboards.


Deciphering Category Engagement
Unraveling the mysteries of category engagement is pivotal for understanding audience preferences. Through my analysis, "Animals" emerged as the top-performing category, capturing hearts and sparking conversations among Social Buzz followers. Conversely, "Food" garnered relatively lower engagement, prompting a closer examination of content strategy and audience interests.

Top 5 categories

Quantifying Interaction Dynamics

Total interactions

With a total of 24,573 interactions tallied, the data paints a vivid picture of the vibrant social media landscape for Social Buzz. This metric serves as a barometer for evaluating content resonance and audience receptivity, guiding the company in crafting compelling narratives and experiences.

Monthly Momentum
Seasonal fluctuations and monthly trends offer valuable cues for content scheduling and campaign optimization for Social Buzz. My analysis spotlighted January as the pinnacle of posting activity, presenting an opportune window for content dissemination and engagement maximization.

Post per month

At the moment the data was analyzed, it was revealed that posts shared precisely at 1:38 PM garnered the most significant level of engagement, boasting an impressive count of 33 Content IDs interacting with the content.

Time of reaction

Strategies for Success
Armed with these insights, Social Buzz is empowered to refine its strategies and amplify its impact. By aligning content narratives with audience interests, leveraging peak posting periods, and fostering positive brand sentiment, the company can forge deeper connections and drive meaningful engagement with its audience.

As social media continues to evolve, data-driven insights remain indispensable for Social Buzz to navigate its complexities and unlock its potential. By embracing a strategic approach informed by nuanced analysis and audience-centricity, the company can chart a course toward sustained growth and engagement in the ever-shifting social media landscape.

Join the Conversation
What strategies have you found most effective in driving social media engagement? Share your insights and experiences in the comments below!

Atulukwu Sunday Idenyi


Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn: Atulukwu Sunday, follow my Medium blog for more insights on data analysis and visualization or check out my Portfolio

