“Google doesn't have a lot of weaknesses” but it has a few…

3 min readOct 16, 2014


Paul Graham once wrote that “One of the biggest [problems that Google has] is that they have no sense of design” and that “if there were a kind of search that depended a lot on design, a startup might actually be able to beat Google at search.”. Well, in this article, I would like to point out a few other weaknesses that a start-up could explore. Please know that I'm not going to talk about Google Glass or Android here, this article is going to be about their main revenue stream — search engine.

Google is the best at what it does at the moment, there is no denying there. However, Google is, in many ways, just a search engine. And the best by far, unless you are the Amazing Spider-man and you use Bing. But imagine what would happen if someone would say to you that Google is not the best anymore, at least for searching websites. Google is brilliant for finding information, but, for searching, discovering and comparing websites not anymore.

Let’s analyse their main tool “search”. Their search engine couldn't be simpler, however, that is their biggest problem. It is not suitable for today’s environment. With social media, opinion sites, blogs, video sites, and many choices, customers want something more than just a website’s link. They want information. They don’t want to get a million results ( 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results). They want to have a site that implements existing social media (companies that invest in both SEO and social media get twice the results than companies who only invest in SEO). They want to have a search engine that has it all, and unfortunately Google doesn't provide that.

On another issue, Google is awful at comparing websites. Currently 36% of consumers spend 30+ minutes and 65% spend 16+ minutes comparison shopping before making a decision on purchasing a commodity product. That is just not good enough. I’m not blaming Google for this, I’m just saying that something has to be done. How many times have you spend more than 30+ minutes comparing online services and products? My guess is that every other day.

Humans are above all visual beings, that’s why websites/apps like tinder, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest are so big. I agree with Paul Graham that a website that “depended a lot on design” could be a potential rival of Google, however, this would not be enough. Pinterest is probably one of the best looking mass market websites right now, but it just for images. Thus, wouldn't be wonderful to have another website, that combines search + social media + comparison site and had beautiful looking images? Well, today I would like to introduce to you to Enythings. A website that does exactly that.

I'm going to be honest with you, I'm CEO of Enythings, a visual search engine. And I'm tired of opening many different tabs every single time I’m choosing an online service or product. I'm tired of getting the same old websites that I already know about it — I want something new, better. I'm tired of not knowing the best services out there or missing out the deal. Thus, we decided to create Enythings. You are probably thinking right now that I’m against Google, well I’m not, I love Google. However, I just wanted to point out the flaws of Google that everyone knows about it. I know that our website has a really long way to go, it is still in the Beta version, however, I truly believe that we can solve these huge problems together.

P.S. We are not saying that we want to beat Google (that would never happen), however, our website is for people who are not satisfied with Google.

Now, I would like to invite YOU to visit enythings.com.

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